06.16.2006, 03:52 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Россия
Posts: 10,921
Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
to the thread starter............
you are entitles to yr opinion but a couple of points of FACT. lees solo stuff are indeed an aquired taste but to call em wankery is just ignorant.....
2 ok you are a fan of the old stuff. by old do you mean confusion or dirty??? i dunno cuz youre kinda sitting on the fence on that one. you said you had vinyl so im guessing youre into the old blastfirst stuff so they are never gonna make another daydream or evol. do you wanna know why, THEY ARE ALL HITTING 50 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!! its called maturing, its called not wanting to rehash the same shit over and over again!!!!
3. you said you were a fan, so why sign up and post a fairly opinionated view and not stick around to discuss it with people. i like rather ripped. i like nurse. and i love murray st and nyc g&f. i like most of lees solo stuff. i love daydream, i love evol, i love confusion. im 31 years old. ive been listening to sonicyouth since i was 14... you do the math!!!!!
im glad they arent dishing out the same record for the last 15 years. it shows a band who just record and play what feels good at the time thats why every sy record has a different feel to it, but is still quintessentiallty sy.
dont mean to cause offence to the guy starting the thread but ambiguity is a clever way of not getting yr facts wrong!
you're the man, pauly
you're the boy
that can enjoy