Originally Posted by swa(y)
left. even though my right ear likes me better.
I think I have one permanent tinnitus since I was born, but it's in both ears. And I don't really know if it's really tinnitus. I just keep on hearing this 19 000 Hz or so frequency whenever I'm in a quiet environment (ie lying in my bed, in the dark, alone, at night), which could be tinnitus indeed ; but then I read this thing about how John Cage had visited an anechoic chamber once and said he could still always hear two sounds, one ultra high pitched and one super low pitched, and the engineer of the room told him the high pitched one was the noise made by his nervous system, while the low pitched one was the noise made by the blood in his veins. So the sound I keep on hearing might just be my nervous system? I don't know - John Cage said he was sceptical about what the engineer said.
Anyway, I've been hearing this sound since I was born (or at least, since my most early childhood memories...), and it doesn't really bother me - I don't even hear it unless I'm in a totally quiet situation.