07.01.2009, 06:28 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: mars attacks
Posts: 42,683
Originally Posted by jennthebenn
There's Pantophobia, the passive/aggressive one we all liked because he did all the driving, Nefeli the party animal with a heart of gold, then we
had Toilet and Bowels, the sleek, sly debonair chap who knew all shortcuts as well as the people who dwelled in them, and finally !@#$!
who me and Pantophobia had around just 'cause he got on the others' nerves. Kept it tense and shit. You always had to have that tension in
the group, 'cause the second you got too lax, too used to each other...that's when things could go wrong.
and i thought my nickname was gonna be "bruiser"
o well