07.15.2009, 05:15 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Del Boca Vista
Posts: 18,370

I'm pretty sure she's photoshopped on this pic, but hey...
WILCO wsg Feist_You And I_LSwDL_MPEG2 NTSC video_2009-07-14
PJ Harvey - May 26th, 2006 - Hay On Wye, Wales (AUD) *RESEED*
Dylan - Trainload Of Fools Nurnberg GR - 1978-07-01
BOB DYLAN From the coast of Barcelona Barcelona,Spain,July,1st,1993 + Bonustracks Vitoria,Spain,July,2nd,1993 (from original silver discs)
Bob Dylan 2001-08-16 Century II Convention Center
Bob Dylan - 2009-07-05 Rothbury
Bruce Springsteen 2009-06-27 Glastonbury (FM master)
BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN - Glastonbury Festival June 27th 2009 " Incomplete Audio from DVB-T Broadcasts"
Lou Reed - Live Sydney 21st August 74 (Blondes Have More Fun LP)
Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers - San Giuliano Milanese, Italy 1986, Great AUD, RESEED
The Rolling Stones 1975-07-18 Seattle AUD - JEMS master recording, excellent recording and show
The Germany Archives - seethelight7 #3: MUDHONEY - 1989-04-07 - AUD MASTER
Led Zeppelin - 1969.01.11 - Hang About (Liquid Led) - Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA (SBD)
You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock.