Life is a killer. Yes, it brings the joys of various things both physical and psychological, but in the end, and there will always be an end, life is a killer.
Life is a killer. You get through your childhood, hopefully you weren't beat too bad by your step-dad, and you maintain a sense of balance about the world. You become a teenager and just want to destroy any sense of balance you developed about the world. You become an adult and try to put the pieces back together from the world you destroyed, you try to make sense of it all.
Life is a killer. Perhaps you fall in love, or at least you think you do, enough to marry someone. Then you have a bunch of kids, they grow up and you die, not able to recoup the time you could have spent with your family, instead you were working to ''provide'' for them.
Life is a killer.
Fuck, maybe its just the modern hierarchy of our ''civilized'' society.
My personal philosophy belief is that life is a killer. But until that point, live your life, seize the day, run away from the day, hide from the day, whatever. Just live your life. I'm honest,respectful and usually fair with people. I live like that not cause of societies norms impressed on me as a child or some belief in a God or higher being, I'm honest,fair,respectful etc. because it feels good, to me.
Basically to quote Jimi Hendrix: ''I'm the ones thats gotta die when its time for me die, so let me live my life the way I want to''.