I know next to nothing about poetry but here's some:
The Festival
I don't want to festival.
I don't want to set up camp next to your neon-lit clothes
I can't sleep with the lights on.
I don't want to get in a scrap
with a man who's been dressed as a clown
for 3
never liked clowns.
I don't want to go see Radiohead
as the people around me
holler creep
ad infinitum.
I don't want to fuck the man
by putting £200 in his pocket
I hear it's his orifice of choice.
I don't want to get so drunk
I drown Franz Ferdinand
with my own vomit.
I don't want to buy a £7 burger
that cost the vendor 20 pence
and the young calf, it's life.
I don't want to sit around the instant grills
listening to you play MGMT on acoustic guitar.
I don't want to say hello to MTV.
I don't want to say hello to STD.
I don't wanna catch festivitis
There's no cure.
I don't want to finally get some use out of my $80 Wayfarers
imported from the States
via blistered Asian hands
Your wage at the GAP seems way fairer.
I don't want to get my Espadrilles muddy.
I don't want to loiter on mother nature.
I don't want to litter on mother nature.
I don't want to ____ a stranger
when our bodies smell stranger
than this sentence reads.
I don't want to wear a dirty wristband
for a year
just in case people forget
I went Reading last year
and the year before
not going this year though
too mainstream.
I don't want to festival
I just want what's best, is all.