I guess another solution could be to just play longer shows... If they played around 2,5 hours they could easily play the entirety of whatever was new at the time, and around 10-12 older songs. That would make it possible to play more stuff from a wider spectrum of their career. As it is now they're basically only playing new and really old stuff (which is alright by me, in a way, since my favourite period is CIS->DDN - but I'd love to hear, say, The Ineffable Me and Radical Adults as well!) plus hits. It would mean that they'd have to rehearse alot more songs though, especially if they'd want to keep the setlists changing (which they should).
Some bands do it though. On the last REM tour they must have played over a hundred different songs...
That said, I'm totally satisfied with how the sets are looking for this tour. The thought of seeing The Eternal plus gems like Stereo Sanctity, Death Valley 69 and Shadow of a Doubt is really exciting! Hope that's what we'll get at ATP!