The best western I've ever seen is ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST.
But El Topo is my favorite movie of all time, usually (it shifts between that, Hana-Bi, Taxi Driver, and Eureka [2000] depending on my mood), and it's an acid western of the highest order. I am really interested in the so-called "acid western" genre, as they are usually not strictly westerns but have similiar vibes and the same kind of look to them. Films like LONG LIVE DEATH and I WILL WALK LIKE A CRAZY HORSE are surreal movies that reference Westerns but are really in a weird class of their own.
Can't go wrong with any of the Eastwood westerns, really.
I also really like HELLBENDERS and CUTTHROATS 9 quite a bit.
I am thinking of one day directing a claymation avant-Western.