Originally Posted by amerikangod
Agreed. And there are so many other appealing qualities to it as well.
Yes, it is tighter and warmer than a vagina. There is also more tactile sensation of them tightening it around you.
Sticking your dick in a girl's ass is just DIRTY. It totally ups the "Oh man this is just downright filthy sex" quotient. Where 'filthy' is used in an entirely positive way.
When you're fucking a girl in the vag you're fucking her, but when you're fucking her in the ass you're FUCKING HER.
You can cum in it without any hesitation (no babies!)
A girl asking (no, begging) for anal is one of the hottest things ever. Not just because you get to do it, but because she's not just begging to get fucked, she's begging to get FUCKED.
Ladies are accustomed to dicks in their vags and can often take it like a champ. Ladies make special noises and moans when you put it in their butt.
It's special sex that isn't every-day sex. Which means it's extra delicious, like those cherries in fruit cups. Remember when there were only one or two to the cup/can? They meant everything then. When they upped the number it lost that specialness.
You've convinced me.
I'm sticking it in her ass ASAP.
You must spread some anal around before giving it to amerikangod again.