The problem as I see it is - if you have or are going to have a serious problem with drink or any drugs you won't know about it until it's too late and you've already fucked up your life.
You can never be rationally or reasonably aware of what you are doing to yourself and to your life with drugs/booze because they act on the the very part of the mind that deals with rationality/reason/self awareness.
I think the question to ask yourself Glice is - if i wasn't drinking, what would I be doing instead? Would it not be a lot more enjoyable? I mean I know you don't think that now but surely the sobreity would only sharpen your senses? And also - if I keep on drinking like this, where am I gonna be in a few years time? Is your life gonna be any different/better or are you gonna be in the same position you're in now. If the answer is the latter then it's quite likely by then not only will you be drinking more but you'll find it harder to stop and have less insight into what it's doing to your life.
Of course if you were British none of this would matter because here alcoholism is expected with some forward thinking youth starting around the ages of 8 and a fresh puddle of puke to greet you at least once on every street you walk through.