Originally Posted by floatingslowly
why they gotta be BUMS?
maybe they've just been laid off from Wal*Mart or as roadie for NOFX.
"bum" insinuates that they just want to sit on their ass all day.
lol trolling bumlords.
true but without a legal residence or a phone you can not
get a job to get back on yr feet and you
inevitably find yourself doing NOTHING all day and are about NOTHING. When I was volunteering on skid row I discovered that the thousands of people there were all about doing one thing with their lives, a unanimous sentiment of "nothing"

ahh.. the row, a bunch of mofos 'bout nothin, but there is a lot of fun and even wisdom there too.. I enjoyed working there surprisingly..
being homeless breeds apathy and hopelessness.
then of course when you are homeless YOUR VERY LIFE is a crime to the system.. they just keep arresting you so that you have to move around, but where to go?
I bet these assholes in blue are proud of their job. fucking nazis!
In reality, with nearly 170,000 homeless people in Los Angeles (and that is a HEADCOUNT, not an estimate

) skid row is no different a problem than the favellas or Rio or Nairobi