Originally Posted by girlgun
i have been too. in fact, i used to rack up HUGE internet bills... 300-400 dollars a month.
actually, just out of curiosity, how much is it for an average broadband internet connection a month over there? I think what we get here is still really fucking expensive, but I have nothing to compare it to, and just assume it is (generally because it takes years for things to filter across and my country is in the middle of nowhere)
For my cable it's around $80 a month, upload throttled at somewhere like 500kbps??, download isn't meant to be limited but I've NEVER had anything faster than around 1mbps.... generally it is about half that, sometimes fucking slow. This is around a 10gb limit for the month, and after that they cut the speed right back to something like 64kbps

Some other plans don't cap yr speed but they charge you buttloads per mb after your allowance. There are other ISPs that give out extra download but it's all in peak/offpeak hours and it's just too much to work out when yr allowed to fkn be online.
I'm fairly certain our internet is this crappy because of the government, because I've been on govt funded/provided connections and they have always been crazy fast, there is just nothing out there for public use/to buy that is remotely close.
.. not to mention now they are trying to pass a bill that says ALL ISP have to use a government produced filtering system(a black list of sites and some other stuff), which will supposedly fuck up speeds even more, cut back by something like 50%.. predicted only, but still.