Originally Posted by sonicpixie
this must be why i prefer them to acid, i felt like i could understand a lot more when on shrooms and i wanted to let it all in. acid was like utterly disconnecting and looking up at the world through some kind of bubble window____
have also tried more varities of fuck knows what it was called 2ci or e or b i cant remember which... anyone know what goes into these? very sparkly.
acid has its place, and I take it when I can find it, but the stars do not align for me often in that regard. I prefer the vision quest of mushrooms to the chaos of throwing out reality entirely as LSD trips give you.. LSD is more intense but then less intense.. it is important to have a few insane life altering moments of sensory distortion to see that reality is not quite as concrete as you often believed BUT I need the structure of a vision quest. I guess that is why I prefer mushrooms, I get plenty of visuals on mushrooms comparable with LSD however they have more of a purpose and meaning..
also if I want the intense sensory distortion that LSD causes I also prefer strictly natural sources like Daturas (hells bells, salvia, and if your feeling really crazy Jimson weed) which FUCK YOU UP in a serious way. They utterly annihilate your perception of so-called reality. I have ONLY hallucinated on these plants, both people and even frightening vacations to alternate realities.. my pops gave me the best advice when I was a young man, he said, "Son, take plants very seriously, they are nothing to play with. They can be very very strong."