Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
All day I felt like I was twacked out because it's my first 24 hours without a cigarette. Which wasn't too terrible. I am on the patch but it still makes me anxious and sick not smoking. All day my circulation was terrible. Numb fingers and arms.
Anyways, continuing throughout the day I felt alright. Usual quitting smoking things. Headaches, anxiety, etc. Right before my shift ended though I started spinning and was having rapid heartbeats. It was one of the worst anxiety attacks of my life. So, after i got off work I went home and my baby gave me 2 1 mg klonopins to help my anxiety attack. Now, I take 7.5 mg Tranxene for my anxiety but I've been staying away from addicting meds so I haven't filled them in a while. So, 2 mg of clorazepam was nothing for me. I used to eat benzos like candy.
But now, I'm so fucked up. I'm still extremely anxious like rapid heartbeat, dizzy bad. Yet, the klonopin made my head all retarded and I can't see straight. I just don't understand why I'm so fucked up with the only chemicals all day being nicotine and a does of clorazepam less than my prescribed dose. I feel like something may be very wrong.
Has anyone heard anything related to nicotine patches/allergic reactions or something? Or is it all just because all I want to do is smoke a cigarette?
maybe the patch is too strong & making you ill (heartbeat shit). try a lesser strength?
for the oral fixation: smoke some cock instead. it will make you happy and it's nicotine-free. plus, nutritious.
i know nothing of your meds, on the other hand. you sound like a walking pharmacy. call up your shrink & don't get advice from the interwebs. we suck and make people OD all the time.