I hate the term Graphic Novel its like calling a song a soundscape, whats wrong with Comic Books.
Anyway you really have to read:
V for Vendetta - Alan Moore
Watchmen - Alan Moore
From Hell - Alan Moore
League of extraordinary Gentlemen - Alan Moore
Pretty much evrything by Alan Moore is touched by genius but those are his classics and rule over everything in Forbidden Planet
The Filth - Grant Morrison (serious headfuckery written whilst he was in the midst of a self induced mental breakdown as part of a magic ritual)
Maus - Art Spiegelman
Superman Red Son - Mark Millar
Batman Dark Knight Returns - Frank Miller
Daredevil Born Again - Frank Miller
Anything by Neil Gaimen including or especially Sandman which is brilliant.
I'd also recommend the X Men run by Joss Whedon
The Preacher series by Warren Ellis
And Jinx by Brian Michael Bendis is meant to be very good but Ive not read it yet.