Originally Posted by afterthefact
but why does it suck? it's not like you have to become freakin' emo just because you have a myspace account. everybody here could get a myspace and we could do everything we do here on it, but you just feel like you aren't selling out to the man as long as you stay away. the fact is, just because you use something, doesn't mean you sold your soul to it. I drive a VW, but that doesn't mean I have sold out to the multi-billion dollar corp. of volkswagon. same with myspace, it's serves a function, it's a cool way to stay in touch with people you don't always get to talk to or see all the time.
Ya I agree. It's just another "scene" that becomes associated with certain types of people, so someone has to create a counter-scene that dislikes everyone involved. I don't use myspace because I really don't have a use for it, but ultimately there's nothing wrong with it. I complain about it often, but to be honest I think that's even worse than using it.