Anyone else think this is one of the hardest videogames ever made? I seriously used to wonder how I beat it as a kid. Well, I recently beat it and for anyone who is wondering how to make it through the game, here are my top clues:
Gaining experience is time consuming but vital
If all else fails use fire is one of the most important rules of the game
The quickest, easiest spot to get experience is by fighting the monsters in the field above the spot where the river devil sits
The most important item in the game is in the water palace
There are 2 hidden Knights in the game, each will teach you a sword technique. Both of them are vital.
The water palace has fake walls.
One of the towns is hidden
You need to find all 4 magic containers and the magic key to complete the game.
heh well I've just been wanting to get that out of my system. Hopefully it will help out some of the NES fans on this board. But most importantly, I really felt like typing it.