apologies if there already is one.
There we were
below the only golden arches in Paris
al fresco by the Seine
In pacific time, she pressed the food
of false cuisine and tepid heat
against her rouge, liberal lips
until it’s banks broke
and sauce spilled over
onto haute couture
her long striped dress
crimson red
and as Coco Chanel screamed
and Christian Dior recoiled
she failed to see how symbolic this was
to her atlantic bloodline.
détruit dans le rêve américain.
She looked up and at me
with the feigned, parisian smile that she wears
and folded the paper wrapper
to the shape of a lotus leaf
set it upon the river
and it sailed downstream
and for a brief moment
it felt like American imperialism had preceded nature.
coolly and calmly
she drew another cigarette
a Marlboro
rolled it between index and thumb
and muttered an americanism in her native tongue.
“c'est le rêve américain”
Ronald was not the only clown in Paris that day.