The reason why I'm asking this is because of one of my girlfriend's best friends. They were the best of friends until she started going out with me, which was when her friend started to be horrible to her... as for some reason she dislikes me even though I've never did anything to her. I honestly don't have a problem with ANYONE in my personal life and I've always thought of myself as a nice considerate friendly person but this "friend" of hers just seems to be completely against me. I chocked this up to jealousy; she's jealous that her best friend of all time is wanting to spend time with someone other than her.
And throughout our relationship this friend has lied to her, ditched her, talked about her behind her back and worst of all, put our relationship down. She even went as far as to say to everyone I was nasty to her and a bad boyfriend. Now this is bullshit! I've never acted nasty to her, and if I managed to upset her I would always do everything in my power to rectify the situation. Also to consider that she's made my girlfriend way more upset than I ever could. She is a dramatic narcissist and I hate even the mention of her name (honestly she is one of the ugliest people I have ever met... yet she thinks she's absolutely beautiful).
Now this sort of goes beyond someone being mean to my girlfriend, but the fact she brings me into it and tries to put down everything me and my gf have built pisses me off to no end. And trust me, it takes A LOT for me to be pissed off.
My girlfriend's reaction? Eh, she doesn't care! She's willing to be walked all over by this friend because she thinks she has no one else (even though she has me and tons of people she talks to online... and I keep telling her she should ask these people to hang out instead of attaching herself to someone that's mean to her). And when trying to discourage her from this friend she says, "Well she's been in my life longer than you have!" ...Eh? What relevance does that have? Who in the past year or so loved her, took care of her and hung out with her? And who in the past year treated her like shit? Ultimately I really don't understand her mindset... I give her so many reasons why this friend is bad for her and her reply is, "It's my own decision to who I hang about with!" Yes, fair enough. But when this friend throws me into the equation also, that's where I draw the line.
But yes, I'm ranting. Give me your stories, opinions etc.