Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
you can't expect people to throw out their friends. Lovers can not replace friends, it is too different. If your chick's friend is truly such a detriment, then your chick will find out inevitably. I have had plenty of horror stories over friends, that have even escalated to end in gun violence
eventually I discovered who was and who weren't my friends but that can't be the decision of my lovers, my other friends, my co-workers, or my family. Those decisions had to made entirely on my own, through my own distinct experiences and interpretation of the vibes/feelings..
the best thing you can do is be supportive and positive. Do NOT be antagonistic to her friend, it will ONLY come back in your face. If you love or at least care about your chick, then you will be comfortable letting her make her OWN mistakes, but ALSO don't like some bad apple chicks (ie, the friend) fuck up YOUR program either. That being said, let your chick have her friend and casually supervise to make sure this friend doesn't fuck up anything of yours (like stealing from you or calling the cops for bullshit or things like that, after all some chicks live in a constant power trip and you especially have to watch those ones)
Well my girlfriend has said, "I KNOW what she's like, you don't have to tell me." But if she really did realise then she wouldn't want to hang out with her all the time right?
Oh and another thing... this past christmas this friend was supposed to go on holiday with my gf's family. She bailed out costing my gf's family hundreds. And after not speaking for a few weeks, they are friends again and are considering "going on holiday with each other!" What... someone costs you hundreds, hangs out with you once and all of a sudden what they did is forgivable? I think that is bullshit... and my girlfriend is definitely being foolish and setting herself up to be torn down again.
aaah, sod it. Tell her you've had enough, buy yourself some old Dr Who DVDs and reconcile yourself to a life of desperate (but atleast not confusing) batchelorhood.