Originally Posted by Pookie
"Hereditary hair loss or alopecia androgenetica is different from alopecia androgenica. The latter is not hereditary hair loss and mainly affects men and women in later years usually after the age of 50 and is caused by a combination of the hormone DHT and age. Hereditary hair loss is passed down just as much from the father's side of the family as the mother's side and could in some cases skip a generation."
Okay, not
impossible. But
Cecil Adams is never wrong, or else I have nowhere to get things confirmed.

Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
How do you know if your mother has the gene or not? Her mother could have been a carrier and her brothers could have been lucky and got her other X.
Her father. I don't think it's a sure sign if he has hair, though. It's just not [as] useful to look at your own father for it.