Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
I believe in a higher power but not in god, as an image of man. I prefer to think we came to be from the big bang created by some sort of catastophic event, which I consider a GOD. Either way if there is a god or not we're eventually fucked on this planet, so why waste yr time worshiping something that won't help you in yr current life? Most religions nowadays don't even believe in hell, so whats it matter?
Worshipping God (giving thanks for life) is not a means to an end--it is a reward in itself...it is our true purpose to do this, because when we are thankful in this way we glorify God and exalt nature, and we ourselves are elevated into a sense of who we are.
You don't have to do this in church. Like for instance, if you smoke a joint or eat mushrooms by a river and you are transported by the play of the sunlight on the water into a feeling of unity and completeness, then you have just had a sacramental experience and worshipped God.