A friend of mine withheld information and lied on his CV to get a job as an air steward for easyJet. He clearly didn't read the paragraph in the declaration section of the online application form, which reads:
I declare that the information contained in this form is true and complete, that I have completed it myself and that I have not withheld any information that may affect my suitability for employment with easyJet. I understand that if it is subsequently discovered that any statement is false or misleading or that any information has been withheld, I may be dismissed from employment by easyJet.
My friend suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. So you can see why he withheld that from easyJet for fear of not getting a job. I just hope there isn't a doctor on a flight he's working on who'll recognise the signs. He's also dyslexic. He's got away with it for four weeks so far.