I totally agree fever to tell is one of my favourite albums and one of the few guitar albums which are flawless in my opinion, at least around that time. the only song which kinda annoys me sometimes is pin, but even that one is kinda good.
I agree with asp about them being in a downward spiral since their debut.
I think they are a band who will do their best if they do it fast. since their second album they overdid it. and it wasnt becoming better that way, it lost the energy.
fever tot tell ftw
saw them 3 times in a timewindow about 3/4 year. one time before fever to tell and two times in the name of that album. they played in the smallest venues in germany and I was damn sure to be in that book which features all those camera shots nick did from the audience at the concert....but every time the picture ends where I begin. that sucks! (just wanted to say that) and the 4th time I saw them was around their release of the second album. still a good gig but in comparison to the first 3 (especially the first two) times it was shit
"Beat the stage for an extra ending with monkeys"
