Beautiful mood piece?! Never heard anyone describe it as that. Since the entire film is just a guy falling down a thousand times, and walking through the woods, I dunno where the beauty is; but then, I think the end of "The Doom Generation", with Rose McGowan eating Dorritos while Slowdive plays, is one of the most beautiful things ever filmed. But I'll agree with you that Asia Argento in glasses is beautiful. The rest is film is boring and lazy. It seems like they threw Korine in there for the hell of it, haha.
Lemme reccomend any Ozu, Korosawa, Kitano, Jost, Brakhage, late Godard, or Katusuyi Ishii (specifically Taste of Tea) films to you for some really beautiful stuff. KOYANNISQATSI is also worth a look... beauty personified!