Originally Posted by !@#$%!
so the teaching gig didn't happen?
LA county office of education (which pays the sallary of all the local school districts, not jut LAUSD) is down $2BILLION in the 2009/10, 10/11 and 11/12 school years...
needless to say, no.
plus, they schoolz can't teach us shit, and so ini often feel like I am selling out my soul, and since I ain't got SHIT for it, I fall into a darker hole than before.
Originally Posted by ni'k
i don't have any of those things. my life's fine tho.
all my grandads are dead. best friend too. other best friend is probably heading for the grave soon aswell.
true.. I already conceded a fuck it.
as they say in Gaza,
"God is Great, what else can be done?"