Originally Posted by pbradley
Open support is full declaration of support, nothing less.
not true. if in public statements, when asked directly and you refuse to comment, you are openly supporting. After all, if they are not against it, they are for it, just like Jesus said if they are not against us they are for us. This law is absolute bullshit, and honestly I am skeptical about ANYONE who doesn't openly and vocally criticize and speak out against it, fuck after all we are going backwards before the Civil Rights era (and not just in AZ, racism has been burning again and Marcus Garvey may well have been right in prophesying a cataclismic race war in america within a hundred years of 1920, when I was a kid on MLKjr day I wouldn't have believed it, but lately I don't know anymore, folks are insidiously racist all over again, and it is brimming on the surface)
go Suns. take it to game seven.