Originally Posted by Better_Than_Deux
I do admit though...
if I know a guy is only out for a peice of ass.. and I mean my female senses are just tingling... I will allow him to take me out to a nice dinner, buy the nicest thing on the menu, and then not call him back after he gives me a ride home.
Let the bashing begin.. but in my twisted head that's fair. If you're taking me out to eat just so you can feed me ridiculous one liners, talk about yourself the entire time, and try to get me as drunk as possible so you can date rape me: fuck you man, i'll eat yo' wallet DRY.
ha ha ha-- that's perfectly fair i think.
but here's the thing: take two identical twins, identically nice and cool and all that. one drives a clunker with an am radio. the other has a kickass car with a great sound system. one takes you to macdonalds. the other takes you to an awesome thai restaurant. one drinks velikoff vodka, the other drinks grey goose. one smokes schwag... you get the idea. which one do you think women will find more attractive? or to put it more clearly: how come that ugly-ass with a wig donald trump is always marrying these gorgeous supermodels?
when i was 17 i had a crush on this girl who was rebounding from some other dude. we would make up furiously for hours but she wouldn't really agreee to be my "girlfriend". the ex would pop-up in her thoughts every now and then and i was in a kind of limbo and the ex was an asshole but she wasn't over him.
so one day this girl i knew in a class, maybe a little older than me, asks me if i had a girlfriend.
i said no, and i explained the situation with the girl and the competing ex, and how i was frustrated
so she asks me "is he rich?"
i'm like, "who?"
"the ex"
i, teenage idealist romantic fool, blurt out "what does that have to do with anything?"
and she clubbed me with this final judgment-- "you don't know women".
and she was right, she was really right-- i didn't. i attended an all-boys highschool and girls were still alien to me. anyway-- "is he rich?" yeah, i get it now... not everyone is like that, of course... but you get the idea.
the girl's ex wasn't rich by the way, he was just a narcissistic prettyboy and i'm not the pretty kind, but i moved on, and met a wonderful girl who actually broke up with a rich dude to be with me. hurray for shared values!