Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
You most likely watched a copy with the non-theatrical subtitles. Or perhaps you had a proper DVD, but were watching the English dub, or perhaps the 1st set of subtitles (you must select English 2 to view the film as it was meant to be). The variance between the two subtitle tracks alters the viewing experience greatly.
Check out this link - http://iconsoffright.com/news/2009/0...les_in_to.html
I felt that the shots were very well composed, and effective at conveying the chilling European atmosphere. The plot seems strong enough to stand on it's own reasonably well, even without it's fantastical elements. The cutesy child vampire tale with ghastly special effects was just icing on the cake, that I gleefully devoured.
Hmm, perhaps I did watch it with the wrong subtitles. I'll give it another go sometime just to be absolutely sure. I'll agree with the first part, I liked the vibe of the movie. Kind of slow, not alot of music from what I remember and vaguely haunting with all of the whites and greys. The movie feels cold that's for sure. But I also remember feeling that parts of the plot didn't have a proper exposition, like those hunter guys, they just seemed kind of around. My favorite bit of cinematography that I can recall is at the end when he's underwater. Either way, it probably doesn't help that I'm not too into vampire pictures. As I've said on here before, my favorite vampire movie is Vampire's Kiss, and it's not even really a vampire movie.
Just watched this the other day:
A much better film than the cover looks. The cover looks like Gold Diggers: Secret of Bear Mountain or something. The film is actually fairly dark and explores Native American desolation, reservation living, prejudice, all that jazz. Very cool movie and I'll watch anything with Gary Farmer in it.
Also saw the newly restored Metroplis, it's amazing how adding that stuff actually improves the pace. The film flows alot better now. And the Thin Man/11811 subplot is badass.