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Old 07.14.2006, 04:38 AM   #21
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i was bothered by that question too,eventually i ended up answering "we play pop post-rock"
11:11 11-11-11 I Ascended.
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Old 07.14.2006, 06:39 AM   #22
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When someone asks me what i listen to....i just give a breif overview of bands im into at the moment. Or just say "ohhhh....anything really" I dont go into too much detail....
"Daddy, Daddy!! Did you bring us anything??"
"Retribution, you worthless little shits"
Dysfunctional Family Circus
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Old 07.14.2006, 09:10 AM   #23
Rob Instigator
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And when I wake up in the morning
My mouth's all parched and dry
And I crawl to the refrigerator
And I look inside
And I feel like somebody drove nails
Into my head and eyes
And I'm hoping and I'm praying
I hope there's one more beer
RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read.
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Old 07.14.2006, 09:23 AM   #24
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Well, if someone asks me what I listen to I usually say that I like avantgarde and experimental stuff. In most cases the conversation ends right there.
insert some bullshit here
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Old 07.14.2006, 01:07 PM   #25
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Oh, crikey, someone doesn't understand the music you're listening to. Crikey-oh-blinking-riley.

If you people are still in school, then fair enough. Forming a musical identity is very important.

I used to be a complete elitist about what I was listening to. And after a while I realised that I was being a complete snob, and that the kids listening to Happy Hardcore were utterly right, music should be fun. It has other functions as well, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying music. There's also nothing wrong with delving a little deeper, but one should be wary of that being a good thing a priori. I used to be quite dismissive of other people's tastes. Oh, they think Green Day is punk. I had a mate down a pub I used to drink in who would repeat all the cliches. Green Day are Punk. Red Hot Chilli Peppers are great. Nirvana are pretty cool. No, I don't know Sonic Youth/ Pavement/ whatever. I dismissed him. After a few months of talking to him, I suddenly realise that the man is the fucking University of Jazz. Utterly schooled me on it. Lent me all this wild shit I'd never heard of before. Made all the crappy indie I was listening to seem like utterly insipid bollocks. Which a lot of it was.

Any way. The point is - judge not lest ye be judged...
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 07.14.2006, 01:08 PM   #26
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experimental is the key word, it just confuses most people.
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Old 07.14.2006, 01:13 PM   #27
Danny Himself
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I do know the guy. He does not listen to Jazz.
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Old 07.14.2006, 02:13 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Danny Himself
I hope I can type this so it makes sense.

I was in Info Tech class today, listening to my mp3 player innocently, write my end of course report, when the guy sitting next to me asks: "What are you listening to?". Pavement, I reply. "I don't know what that is. Thats a bad name for a band. So what kind of music do you like? Rap?". "It's really hard to describe my musical taste" I reply. "Do you like 'indie'? Or just 'rock'?". I say "not really". "Punk? Do you like Green Day?". I, more annoyed than anything, reply "Green Day is not punk. And no."

He asks me to show him a website with music I like. Ecstatic Peace, of course. At this point the guy sitting next to me on the other side points to a bespectacled Thurston and says "OMG LOL THATS YOU. HE HAS GLASSES AND THE SAME HAIR AND EVERYTHING". Of course, I don't look like a 40+ man, and my hair is no way near as cool.

The same guy says to the guy who was first talking to me, "He listens to the beach boys because he thinks it'll make him DIFFERENT". I said "I listen to the beach boys because they're fucking good". I'm talking to a guy who argues that RHCP are the greatest band in history and walks around singing Green Day songs.


went to university with a spoilt brat like that. 'thats not music thats just noise'. fucker. he went to iraq i thing and probably got addicted to smack.
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Old 07.14.2006, 02:17 PM   #29
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I usually name a few bands I like and then I say I like jazz aswell (I do) and then people usually respond with "you like jazz?".
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