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Old 11.30.2024, 12:00 PM   #1481
invito al cielo
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i'm reading milei's interview with "the economist" and goddamn it's very hard to understand. he says 95% of economists don't understand him. and speaking of expert professionals, i'm no economist, but fuck, i can't even get the syntax and vocabulary. this is not a criticism of him, just a declaration of perplexity on my behalf. i am missing too many of his referents to make sense of anything at all
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Old 11.30.2024, 12:02 PM   #1482
verme (prevaricator)
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
this can't keep dragging on
Well shit too bad Biden disagrees with you. He wasn't interested in ending the war or giving the win to the Ukrainians. His strategy has been to keep the war going.

I don't know what Trump will do. I'm sure he'll keep the war machine money flowing — "big beautiful ships" — but we will see. All I know is how harmful and perverse the current policy has been.
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Old 11.30.2024, 12:19 PM   #1483
invito al cielo
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Originally Posted by verme (prevaricator)
Well shit too bad Biden disagrees with you. He wasn't interested in ending the war or giving the win to the Ukrainians. His strategy has been to keep the war going.

I don't know what Trump will do. I'm sure he'll keep the war machine money flowing — "big beautiful ships" — but we will see. All I know is how harmful and perverse the current policy has been.
you think the drag has been done on purpose rather than reached from an inability to achieve success while balancing risks? i think it was just a very difficult balance needed to limit risk and get a win, and what we have is this world war I shit where putin has found new footing in the muck instead of sinking and drowning. north korea! goddamn... welll at least we now have clarification of where the lines of oceania/eurasia/eastasia run

question for you since you are closer: what's your take on macron's role in this dance?
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Old 11.30.2024, 01:55 PM   #1484
verme (prevaricator)
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
question for you since you are closer: what's your take on macron's role in this dance?
Initially, Macron was a mediator. He was going to be portrayed as the solver of this conflict in a documentary. My take is that not him or any other European leader has any real leverage. It's the US that calls the shots.

There's one thing Putin is right about:
"You know, sometimes it looks like European politicians are doing whatever they are told to from overseas. If they are told tomorrow: ‘We have decided to hang you all!’ they will ask only one question, with their eye down in surprise from their boldness: ‘Can we do this with the help of domestically-made ropes?’"

You can hear him speak with Zelenskyy right at the beginning of the war. Notice how certain the Ukrainian president was that it was possible to reach an agreement with Putin.
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Old 11.30.2024, 02:47 PM   #1485
invito al cielo
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Originally Posted by verme (prevaricator)
Initially, Macron was a mediator. He was going to be portrayed as the solver of this conflict in a documentary. My take is that not him or any other European leader has any real leverage. It's the US that calls the shots.

There's one thing Putin is right about:
"You know, sometimes it looks like European politicians are doing whatever they are told to from overseas. If they are told tomorrow: ‘We have decided to hang you all!’ they will ask only one question, with their eye down in surprise from their boldness: ‘Can we do this with the help of domestically-made ropes?’"

You can hear him speak with Zelenskyy right at the beginning of the war. Notice how certain the Ukrainian president was that it was possible to reach an agreement with Putin.

so in your view the usa aka big satan is guilty of everything?

not saying no, it's more or less how athens ran the delian league hahaha
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