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Old 08.09.2010, 03:59 PM   #21
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We could get rid of everything you think is horrible in America, and America it'self would vanish off the face of the planet.

There would still be something evil happening somewhere else.

Our job as humans is not to get rid of evil. That is impossible. It is to battle it with love. But be realistic. Love your neighbor, love your country, treat eachother well. That's all you can do. Go into office and try to change things from within if you want.

But like John lennon said, unless you have a better solution and way of doing things than the current people in power, your revolution is worthless.
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Old 08.09.2010, 04:01 PM   #22
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Now back to reality, I dont want to change the world. I'll leave that to more patient and intelligent people.

I just want to play music and make ppl happy, forever and ever.
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Old 08.09.2010, 04:43 PM   #23
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concern for others aside, it's peculiar to see that this dominating behavior is atavistically ingrained in our species and yet we keep calling it "evil". does the cat call his teeth "evil"? are the horns in a bull "evil"? or are they "natural". i'm just curious because this seems to be one of those words that are moral absolutes and are never questioned. "evil" has a way to arrest criticism like nothing else. call something "evil"-- and what does this really mean? that we have devised a morality that is contrary to our nature. but does it make sense? it's almost like demanding that trees grow blue instead of green.

when someone wants to take our stuff from us, it's not necessarily "evil". it's just human nature, which predates morality.

anyway, my point is... i just think we would have less destructive ways to deal with conflict if we had greater moral intelligence. cuz every time we brand something 'evil", it follows that "it must be destroyed" and.. doesn't that cause some extra "evil" too? i wish we had better labels for things-- it would make us a little smarter, maybe.
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Old 08.09.2010, 05:07 PM   #24
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you are correct.
i also find it strange, happened a lot on a class trip to poland in highschool when people would call the nazis inhuman. but the fact is not only did humans do these acts of cruelty, but ONLY humans could do such a thing.
If there's been a way to build it,
There'll be a way to destroy it,
Things are not that out of control

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Old 08.09.2010, 08:29 PM   #25
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Old 08.09.2010, 09:42 PM   #26
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It's amazing how quick my attention span eludes me any time you have entertainers in the same subject as religion and politics. meh


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Old 08.10.2010, 06:12 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
concern for others aside, it's peculiar to see that this dominating behavior is atavistically ingrained in our species and yet we keep calling it "evil". does the cat call his teeth "evil"? are the horns in a bull "evil"? or are they "natural".

the catch is that humans are a bit above other animals, as it is as much a part of our nature and instinct to be altruistic, to share, to be loving and compassionate as it is so be selfish and dominating. We use the term EVIL to describe things we feel intrinsic guilt or shame regarding, precisely to embrace and uphold these more noble aspects of human nature and condition.

Humans are not entirely bad, in fact, we are remarkably good most of the time, even and especially in the worst of circumstances.. In a war zone there as many acts of kindness, mercy and love as there are brutality, horror and atrocity, the trick is to balance. The cat's fangs are not evil until it bites the hand that feeds it..

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of love is life.
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Old 08.10.2010, 06:13 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo

Why do we feel so enlightened?

Are we so mature now as a species? Because of the internet?


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Old 08.10.2010, 06:16 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
What makes America more evil than any country that ever wanted/and or attained power?

Not more evil, perhaps more powerful.
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Old 08.10.2010, 06:43 PM   #30
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^^Maybe, but maybe not.

We do our dealings in the shadows, rather than front and center.

Like, back in the day, speaking italian because it was the language of the caesar or english because it was the kings language and etc.

Now a days everyone speaks english (american) but they have their own leaders and own countrys, but really, it is America on their mind.

I don't know why I can't precisley say what I'm trying to...this post probably makes no sense.

The sun never sets on the british empire, comes to mind.

It's the same now with America, and etc. etc.

except not everyone answers directly to the leaders of america, but they kind of do because what we do affects the worlds economy...

ah Im just dumb

too dumb for this discussion. I just "get" the human condition.

What I'm really just trying to say is

"same as it ever was"
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