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Old 03.17.2008, 12:55 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by krastian
I started smoking when I was 12. Yee haw!!
woo me too!

yeah good luck with this my boy, seriously. i don't even have the will to try so props to you for actually going through with it.
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Old 03.17.2008, 01:36 AM   #22
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i smoked for about seven years-14-21 and a few of those years quite heavily-over a pack a day. but last year i set myself a date in advance and smoked a lot till then then quit cold turkey and have not touched one since-one year and two months ago.
the moral of the story is if you really want to quit, you can. the besst thing is to get used to drinking and taking breaks at work without a smoke and then youll be fine....
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Old 03.17.2008, 07:03 AM   #23
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I am trying hard myself. I don't want help 'cause it is a personal challenge. It is so bloody difficult for sure.
Old 03.17.2008, 08:16 AM   #24
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Best of luck to you, T&B - being an ex-smoker myself, I know how bloody difficult it can be to kick the ciggies. Best of luck to you too, sarramkrop.
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Old 03.17.2008, 11:08 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
She didn't use any special patches, gum or anything like that......she did / sot of still does chew the hell out of drinking straws, but this appears to be her only side effect.

oh that I do a lot , and I never smoked a single cig
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Old 03.17.2008, 11:14 AM   #26
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nice to see so many people have quit. however--

once a smoker, always a smoker.

that's my case anyway.

while i've quit (repeatedly), and no longer do i smoke (generally speaking), whenever stress attacks i feel compelled to take refuge in pack of smokes. some times i can resist, some times i make a temporary deal with the devil & i smoke away until my tongue starts hurting.

oh yes. i'm like a recovering alcoholic-- i'm a cigarette addict who doesn't smoke.

most of the time anyway.
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Old 03.17.2008, 11:49 AM   #27
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i agree with you. i still have a craving for a cigg and identify myself with smokers. so yeah im a moker who doesnt smoke. but recently i have been taking a few steps back from friends thagt smoke and am enjoying the smoking ban in bars (except for the fact that whenever we go to a bar we simply sit in the smoking section)
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Old 03.17.2008, 08:51 PM   #28
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well today was easier than yesterday.
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Old 03.17.2008, 11:27 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Nefeli
good luck, darling.
think of all the positives, like you wont be smelling any more, cigarettes to cute nonsmokers.
oh god, that reminds me of when i was in school and me and my friends would go off property and smoke and then come back in...EVERYONE would bitch at me that i smelled like smoke and it was so annoying.
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Old 03.18.2008, 03:33 AM   #30
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I've had a purchasing sabbatical from smoking this month. Because I still think smoking is great, but I do need to cut down (spending too much and I don't have any duty free). I've managed to only be smoking when drinking, which has been the weekends. I was surprised at how I'm not too irritable.

Keep yourself busy & exercise seems to be the winner. Already it's oodles easier to swim a few times a week without lung death.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 03.18.2008, 04:26 AM   #31
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I admire you quite a bit for trying to quit. Bless you much if you successed. (Deep breathing ought to be
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Old 03.18.2008, 04:36 AM   #32
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hang in there. once the chemical aspect is done (1-2 weeks) then you just have to deal with behavior. and if you're in doubt bout picking up a cig a week from now, don't forget these last two and the utter hell it is to break free from.

also watch out for leperchans. those fucking little green turds just nailed me to the fucking sky. they have no fucking gold, their beer is shit, and the priestesses they may parade in front of you are made of fucking taffee.
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Old 03.18.2008, 11:55 AM   #33
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do it, it is fantastic, you will not regret it. I quit for 14 months two years ago and it was terrible, the cold turkey thing nearly killed me, quiting out of spite will only hurt you, until you smoke again, which I did regretably for a year after the quiting episode. however, last summer I decided to quit on a smaller scale, to truly cut back, and so I did, smoking less often until I finally decided to quit. in other words, I suggest to ween yourself off of cigarettes slowly over a three month process. It has been six months and I have absolutely no desire to smoke tobacco, whereas the first time I burned to smoke a cigarette everyday day of that 14 months..
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Old 03.18.2008, 12:27 PM   #34
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I smoked like 8 yesterday, but it was my birthday, so fuck it.
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Old 03.18.2008, 12:29 PM   #35
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I smoke because I'm hoping for an early death, and I need something to cling to now.

there, ya bastards. I've gone and quoted the smiths. EAT MY EMO.
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Old 03.18.2008, 12:35 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
some people here are going to quit because they are putting the ban (and it's jail time for the offenders).

i'm certainly cutting back since i only smoke when i go out, but i still don't feel like quitting. like every sunday, i feel like i had enough for a while and am not craving for a cig.

anyway, best wishes.



history repeats itself, life is a cycle. when tobacco was introduced from the new world to the old, many people were against it. in some places it carried even the death penalty to possess or distribute. one if the first was King James I who characterized the vile smoke of tobacco as being that "from the pit which is bottom-less" [ie, hades sheol and death]. For a brief period in Ethiopia in the 1880s, smoking tobacco carried the death penalty under Emperor Yohannes IV...
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Old 03.18.2008, 12:42 PM   #37
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the single best way to quit smoking is to stop buying cigarrettes and throw away your cigarrettes and lighters and stop.

cold turkey is the only way to go. if you can make it 21 days you will be doing good.

I smoked for ten years and quit cold turkey. I did not smoke for several years then started again when my marriage was breaking up. I quit again cold turkey a year ago.
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Old 03.19.2008, 11:55 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
oh god, that reminds me of when i was in school and me and my friends would go off property and smoke and then come back in...EVERYONE would bitch at me that i smelled like smoke and it was so annoying.

the teachers would try to catch you if you smelled in high school.
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Old 03.19.2008, 02:50 PM   #39
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I wish you good luck Toilets & Bowels, it's not easy. I don't think I'd want to quit just yet, I wanna enjoy the pleasures of smoking a few more years before I do.
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