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View Poll Results: I...
...flick between here and another forum. 3 11.54%
...flick between here and other sites. 10 38.46%
...switch between here and my family. 2 7.69%
...switch between here and my work. 2 7.69%
...switch between here and something else. 6 23.08%
...just come back here occaisionally. 1 3.85%
...come here by accident. 0 0%
...or what? 2 7.69%
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Old 01.05.2008, 01:19 PM   #41
toxic johnny
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I will admit that I come here mostly to get up to date news on Sonic activity (thanks Moshe)... and I am a chronic lurker.

However over the years I have grown very fond of certain regular posters and need to check out what's going on with them (they shall remain nameless)...

Oh and every now and then I post when the mood takes me.
Built Toxic J Tough
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Old 01.05.2008, 03:29 PM   #42
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"ever wonder how he felt about being raped" made me laugh.

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Old 01.05.2008, 03:35 PM   #43
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I feel like I make no worthy contributions to the board. I'd like to think of myself as an occasional "comic relief", but I don't.

Threads that I find to be of any real importance, are the ones that I usually get to after everyone else, and at that point, well, there is no point.

I do appreciate the conversations and neccesary input from other posters such as atari, ChrisLawrence, moshe, and everyone who is too obviously important to mention.

I would say that I'll make it my New Year's resolution to post things besides pictures, happy birthdays, and "how am I doing" replies, but I'd rather not, I suppose.
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Old 01.05.2008, 05:01 PM   #44
Rob Instigator
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Originally Posted by _slavo_
Oh fuck me running, 10 YEARS? The old board was on for that long?

i remember the very day I got my first hotmail account I went to sonic youth.com and joined it's bulletin board. I was living in austin at the time and that was 9 and a half year ago I am old. I am now as old as Leewas when I first heard sonic youth and thought "man, this older guy rocks harder than anyone!"
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Old 01.06.2008, 05:44 AM   #45
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- Post where I have something to say (as short as possible)
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Old 01.06.2008, 11:54 AM   #46
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All of the above.



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