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Old 09.12.2008, 10:08 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by jakeonguitar
i don't care how one-sided (add or replace other demeaning modifier phrases) mccain and palin are, i would rather have their administration over obama's socialist promises.

what the fuck is this "socialism" you speak of.

you think the fake unfettered capitalism that gave us enron, the mortgage crisis, bear sterns, and now lehman brothers, is really "free market"? guess who ends up paying for that shit. you do, i do. fucking corporate welfare socialism.

who the fuck ends up paying for the destruction and reconstruction of iraq, for the care of veterans and their lifetime of treatment, who the fuck pays for the increased oil prices, and who the fuck bears the brunt of tens of of thousands of army reservists and national guards away from their jobs stuck with military pay families broken up PTSD out the wazoo? they do, you do, i do. fucking militaristic socialism.

the national debt right now is

i am trying to buy health insurance right now and i can easily afford the premiums (less than $200/mo). the problem is that it's a shitty kind of insurance, they can reject you for any reason, they cover only part of your expenses, and you're basically fucked if you do, fucked if you don't. the market does not always take care of everything, and if you believe that you're high on pseudo-libertarian cocaine.

fuck your bullshit lies.
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Old 09.12.2008, 12:39 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
what the fuck is this "socialism" you speak of.

you think the fake unfettered capitalism that gave us enron, the mortgage crisis, bear sterns, and now lehman brothers, is really "free market"? guess who ends up paying for that shit. you do, i do. fucking corporate welfare socialism.

who the fuck ends up paying for the destruction and reconstruction of iraq, for the care of veterans and their lifetime of treatment, who the fuck pays for the increased oil prices, and who the fuck bears the brunt of tens of of thousands of army reservists and national guards away from their jobs stuck with military pay families broken up PTSD out the wazoo? they do, you do, i do. fucking militaristic socialism.

the national debt right now is


i am trying to buy health insurance right now and i can easily afford the premiums (less than $200/mo). the problem is that it's a shitty kind of insurance, they can reject you for any reason, they cover only part of your expenses, and you're basically fucked if you do, fucked if you don't. the market does not always take care of everything, and if you believe that you're high on pseudo-libertarian cocaine.

fuck your bullshit lies.

amen amen amen, ne' amin! [amen amen amen, I agree!]
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Old 09.12.2008, 12:56 PM   #103
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WTF Is this country the most stupidest?
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Old 09.12.2008, 02:25 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
what the fuck is this "socialism" you speak of.

you think the fake unfettered capitalism that gave us enron, the mortgage crisis, bear sterns, and now lehman brothers, is really "free market"? guess who ends up paying for that shit. you do, i do. fucking corporate welfare socialism.

who the fuck ends up paying for the destruction and reconstruction of iraq, for the care of veterans and their lifetime of treatment, who the fuck pays for the increased oil prices, and who the fuck bears the brunt of tens of of thousands of army reservists and national guards away from their jobs stuck with military pay families broken up PTSD out the wazoo? they do, you do, i do. fucking militaristic socialism.

the national debt right now is


i am trying to buy health insurance right now and i can easily afford the premiums (less than $200/mo). the problem is that it's a shitty kind of insurance, they can reject you for any reason, they cover only part of your expenses, and you're basically fucked if you do, fucked if you don't. the market does not always take care of everything, and if you believe that you're high on pseudo-libertarian cocaine.

fuck your bullshit lies.

okay. so... we should tax... more?

we could discuss this back and forth all day long. actually, longer. i hate mccain, i hate obama. mccain wants to stay in it for the war and he's an overall idiot, while obama hasn't logically thought out how the fuck he's gonna accomplish his promises (but i know how he will... raise taxes), and he supports the load of mental health parity/psychiatric GARBAGE.

i know you all seem to hate ron paul here, but at least he wanted american government to (more than it is now, at least) stick to the constitution and abolish the fucking IRS (hellllllllo fairtax). would he have been able to do this? fuck no. not with a democratic congress that can't seem to get anything done, which may or may not have lead to their approval rating that is 1/3 of bush's.

i don't want to rattle anyone's cage, so i'm not up for arguing. and i'd also like to point out i will not be able to vote in this election because i won't be 18, so there you go. not only would my vote not mean anything, but i can't even give it.

solution: follow cantankerous to siberia.

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Old 09.12.2008, 02:41 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by jakeonguitar
i don't want to rattle anyone's cage, so i'm not up for arguing. and i'd also like to point out i will not be able to vote in this election because i won't be 18, so there you go. not only would my vote not mean anything, but i can't even give it.

oh! you mean that you don't understand yet how the world works. it's ok then-- all is forgiven. and sorry about my harshness.

Originally Posted by jakeonguitar
okay. so... we should tax... more?

but for your information, obama is for cutting the taxes of the working & middle classes-- he does not subscribe to the supply side eco-nomix that claims that lowering taxes on the rich will somehow promote the economy & benefit everyone--there is no laffer curve-- facts prove this, but the repukes are against facts, science, & common sense.

he's also for ending the stupid wars and the 10 billion dollars a day we're spending in iraq.

it's under the republicans that the trade deficit has ballooned, the national debt has exploded, and the economy has going to shit while the taxpayer has to bailout irresponsible megacorporations.

moreover, providing universal health care would be a boon for business. i currently own a small business and i can't even find insurance for my own in my state-- if i had an employee, i would have to offer benefits to compete with other employers who offer group health plans. small businesses cannot afford to offer health benefits to their employees.

i could go on an on. im just trying to point out that reality and lofty ideals rarely match.
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Old 09.12.2008, 02:50 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by jakeonguitar

i know you all seem to hate ron paul here, but at least he wanted american government to (more than it is now, at least) stick to the constitution and abolish the fucking IRS (hellllllllo fairtax). would he have been able to do this? fuck no. not with a democratic congress that can't seem to get anything done, which may or may not have lead to their approval rating that is 1/3 of bush's.



Show me the coin used for paying the tax."

They brought him a denarius, and he asked them, "Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?"

"Caesar's," they replied.

Then he said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's
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Old 09.12.2008, 03:23 PM   #107
Sheriff Rhys Chatham
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The national debt also takes into consideration the money it owes it's citizens (i.e. banks), still a shit ton though.
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