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Old 12.02.2009, 01:52 AM   #1
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I've been waiting to see this film for so long, and my first viewing tonight has left me breathless. Just....wow. Seyrig is just so perfect in this. Certain parts of this magnificent film made my skin crawl. ie She is frightened and the organ goes towards hyper strings.....I choked on my wine and my wife laughed at me. Genuine scares. I mean, cerain parts of this film had me seriously shitting my pants. I might not sleep tonight. (The hotel makes the one in Shining seem like Fawlty Towers, innit?) As for interpretations...for a while I thought she is a ghost, then, he is a ghost, then, he is a s.o.b. and she is in denial. Did he rape her, last year at Marienbad?

Anyway.....one of the most remarkable film experiences I've ever had, and I cannot wait to delve into this some more.

PLEASE....investigate this film if you haven't already.

If you have, talk!
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Old 12.02.2009, 02:06 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Skuj
I've been waiting to see this film for so long, and my first viewing tonight has left me breathless. Just....wow. Seyrig is just so perfect in this. Certain parts of this magnificent film made my skin crawl. ie She is frightened and the organ goes towards hyper strings.....I choked on my wine and my wife laughed at me. Genuine scares. I mean, cerain parts of this film had me seriously shitting my pants. I might not sleep tonight. (The hotel makes the one in Shining seem like Fawlty Towers, innit?) As for interpretations...for a while I thought she is a ghost, then, he is a ghost, then, he is a s.o.b. and she is in denial. Did he rape her, last year at Marienbad?

Anyway.....one of the most remarkable film experiences I've ever had, and I cannot wait to delve into this some more.

PLEASE....investigate this film if you haven't already.

If you have, talk!

i gotta go to sleep so i must leave soon but let me just say a couple of things

1) you're fast becoming my favorite new poster here, lots of good shit you put up for discussion

2) last year at marienbad wasn't for me a horror movie-- at all-- not at all! the script was by alain robbe-grillet who was this wanker postmodern novelist who liked to fuck with destroying traditional narrative.

see here in the "style" section: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alain_Robbe-Grillet

now, about the movie: it's FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. but i read it more as a (failed?) love story/dream rather than anything related to the shining or rivers of gore. there was no rape or sign of rape in my mind. but as you read in the "style" section, "Yet his work is ultimately characterized by its ability to mean many things to many different people". so i'm not surprise it scared you.

the hotel and the place and all of that reminded me a lot of those de chirico paintings with the empty towns and distant shadows. the fucking gluttony of the camera as it moves ever so slowly through that baroque hotel and it revels in its empty luxury is fucking great but yes, eery. it's the eeriness of a dream though, not a nightmare, for me anyway. so it's more psychological than "real".

anyway i gotta go but congrats on the great experience. i fucking loooooove that movie. even though it is pompous and too fucking precious and boring and it breaks my balls. but it's great. ha ha ha.
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Old 12.02.2009, 02:31 AM   #3
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Skuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's assesSkuj kicks all y'all's asses
Hahaha....fuck I love you too Man.

I'm gonna watch this MANY more times over the next few months.....fucking blown away by it. Thanks for your thoughtful and informative post.
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Old 12.02.2009, 11:11 AM   #4
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Beautiful, awesome movie. Reminded me a lot of Bunuel's EXTERMINATING ANGEL, which I watched at the same time...

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Old 12.02.2009, 07:00 PM   #5
Toilet & Bowels
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Beautiful, awesome movie. Reminded me a lot of Bunuel's EXTERMINATING ANGEL, which I watched at the same time...

funny, i bought exterminating angel and last year in marienbad about a month ago with some vouchers i got for my birthday, i watched exterminating angel last night and will probably watch last year in marienbad next week
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Old 12.02.2009, 07:12 PM   #6
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that's the film that rips off the blur video, right?
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Old 12.02.2009, 07:53 PM   #7
jon boy
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exterminating angel in many ways reminds me of the photography of roy stuart.
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