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Old 07.06.2006, 03:26 PM   #41
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I think I heard Hairway to Steven once, but I don't remember it!

But yeah Rather Ripped rocks! I agree!!


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Old 07.07.2006, 12:03 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I lived in ass-town for a year. I hated it. I despised it. I loathed it. I wanted to set fire to the whole place. It is th single worst shithole in texas.
every single high school drop-out loser in texas moves to austin. They all STINK. My wife and I could not go anywhere, froma cafeteria to a book sale to a storee without running into the foulest stinking people. and these are REGULAR people not bums or the loathsome "gutterpunk" assholes. I wante to stab them all in the neck and thereby better the city of austin.
I ahte teh segregation. I lived there 7 years ago and it is so racially divided. Coming from houston where 38% are white 34% are black and 30% hispanic it was quite an adjustement to make. The city is flooded now with yuppies from california and san fran, and the prices for any housing are skyrocketing. gentrification of the east side and the south side is proceeding at a rapid pace. anything east of 35 , south of 14th was all working class black. anything south of riverside was working class hispa nic. those people are all pushed out now.

there are a lot of parks and bullshit like that, natural bulshit, but I am a city slick and I do not enjoy parks and nature and shit like that. the only things to do in austin are nature things, and barhopping. I do not drink, and bars bore me to death. the music scene is huge, but 90% of the bands are straight up CRAP,a nd the rest are a hodgepodge of crap mixed in with some flashy outfits. the whole place fucking sucked

the punks all snort coke all day and do not hang with hippies. the hippies all smoke pot and hate the cokehead punks. it makes for a very very CLIQUE-filled scene, and it is horrible. so many fucking mooches and bums.

arrrgghhh I ahted it so much!

anything dealing wuith culture nd the arts has to go through Univ of Texas. there are no great galleries or museums, except those daling in either cartoon art or western bullshit. the city has nearly one million people and yet they naively try to enforce laws that would keep it feeling like the hippie wasteland of the 70's it used to be.

The restaurants suck shit. the preponderabnce of second rate tex-mex is overwhelming. forget about finding more than one quality vietnamese restaurant, much less laotiona, ethiopian, etc.

ahh, I am just ranting. I hate that fucking place., the only thing I love about it is Waterloo Records and several other record stores they have which are great.

give me th BIG CITY with 6000 restaurants from every ethnicity and nationality you can think of in every price range all within a ten m,inute drive from anywhere. give me beautiful art museums and a world class symphony and opera and theatre district.

fuck I need to move to NYC

DAMN CHEETO! that's some dissin' right there....Someone eat your ass out while you were here?

I'll agree on a few accounts but that's hardly the picture Austin should get!! Yes the art msueums are non existent, but the art is in the people and what they are doing creatively. The San Franners and LAers have since moved out, most anyways, and you can't tell me there aren't the same stupid ass scenesters in Screwston??? And the traffic isn't as bad as it used to be and don't talkt to me about trafiic if you live in H-town or Dallas...gimme a f'n break!! Houston is completely worse!

People enjoy Austin and live here for what it is....more of a small town vibe with enough to keep you plenty occupied. You can have all of your cement and dirty city and I'll take all the beautiful nature that surrounds this city.

Not everyone hates people here and if you just open your mind a little there are plenty of neat and interesting people to talk to.

I agree the bands scene even with the millions, yes 99% are shit!! but hey what's going on in H-town? not a lot....Denton has the most creative and interesting music scene in TX.

Houston has way too manyy damn people and way too many conservative fucks for my liking. Austin on a whole is a much more enlightened town. You talk about segregation like bullshit and mention NYC....so you don't consider chinatown a segregation or little italy all that shit?

You're just talking shit...I love this city and I can go visit Houston whenever I want for their great museums.....that's not something I do every weekend, visit art museums, so I don't need that all the time.

Austin is a great town, been livin here for 10 years now.

Doubt anyone will read this as this is an old thread but I feel beter now
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Old 07.07.2006, 12:06 PM   #43
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How's Rather Ripped doing on radio (alternative/college stations, natch)? I don't pay much attention to radio these days. Is it getting played?
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Old 07.07.2006, 12:09 PM   #44
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Austin Rocks !!!

Plus...weren't they the only county in Texas to vote AGAINST Bush ? !!!! lol..haha..
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Old 07.07.2006, 12:09 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by gmku
How's Rather Ripped doing on radio (alternative/college stations, natch)? I don't pay much attention to radio these days. Is it getting played?

I never hear the youth on the radio....I think since they're so big that the college stations don'y play them either.
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Old 07.07.2006, 01:42 PM   #46
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skiesfalling, yeah I got some issues with astown!

working at mopac in north austin, and driving the 7 miles to riverside took A FUCKING HOUR! no matter which way i went! mopac, capitol of texas hwy, lamar, 187, or whatever the name of it is, man that traffic was and is KILLER!

traffic in houston is really not that bad man. especially since all the interstates are being redone with 28 lanes eaither direction. ha ha!

but for real, I just had the worst time of my life living there in austin.

I'd hang out at Fringeware bookstore, the best damn oplace in austin, and watch as noone bought anything, epople would take advantage of them, never actually supporting the store, even though the people there were fantastic and they had everything a literate underground needs. I bought Ralph Steadman's hardcover book (around $80 that I had to save for months to get because the pay in austin was terrible) and the clerk told me that I was the first person in weeks to buy anything, ANYTHINGm, even a comic book or a magazine. yet I saw dozens fo people there daily.

that attitude permeates everythng there. when you grow up in a city where the "cool" and th "hip" is so easily accesible to you from 6th grade on it makes for a very jaded scene. people are fickle there! seriously fickle. the heyday of the austin music scene peaked in the 80's.

although trail of dead kicked ass

I do go to the museums every week though.

and BTW, Houston is the greenest lushest most heavily treed BIG city in thios country. from my vantage pioint 47 stories up the heritage tower in downtown all I see is a field of thick green trees. it is quite beautiful.
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Old 07.07.2006, 09:12 PM   #47
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Ah well I;m sorry to hear that you hate A-town (Che)55......

I'll just be happy that we both like where we live


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Old 08.30.2006, 03:26 PM   #48
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Rather Ripped still rules after all this time.Get a grip you sad morons!
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Old 08.30.2006, 06:21 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by BarbecueSmell
Rather Ripped still rules after all this time.Get a grip you sad morons!

And the people say "Amen!"


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Old 08.31.2006, 04:56 PM   #50
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R&R kicks fuckin ass I jsut got the Jap CD with the bonus tracks yesterday and I like em a lot.
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Old 08.31.2006, 05:03 PM   #51
Rob Instigator
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blasting RR on my stereo turntable with the speakers pounding out the rock....it is just beautiful.
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