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Old 11.06.2013, 03:23 AM   #1
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On your average week what do you get up to?

When you are at home what are you doing?
When you are at work what are you doing?
When you are sitting with your friends (if you have any) what do you talk about
How often do you see your friends?
Where do you go with your friends?
Do you ever go out alone?

Don't just mention the coolest things you can think of.

I am just trying to work out what the hell everyone else is doing as I often find my self stuck for something to do that doesn't involve spending money or having a picnic.

I paint most days but that might only be for a couple of hours. I jam on weekends with a group of friends but that is only twice a month maybe. I work 20 hours a week.
There is a lot of time in between those hobbies that I have to wonder where it all goes.
Old 11.06.2013, 03:41 AM   #2
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oh my thread that is.
i m an idiot for not painting all the fucking time.
the most i do with in a day is 4-5 hours with some breaks and i have days gone through without having done anything.
i m unemployed for almost 2 yrs now - i had some productive periods but not all the time.

When you are at home what are you doing?

im mostly at home this last year.
wasting/taking my time with my morning coffee.
i go to my parents to eat and that takes some of my time aswell.
i at least had yoga classes last winter.
im watching way to many series (LOSS OF TIME).

When you are at work what are you doing?
mostly used to be on the net and did more 'researches' than now at home.

When you are sitting with your friends (if you have any) what do you talk about
oh fuck that, i need new friends to motivate me intellectually
but im not changing the fact that i laugh a lot with my friends.

How often do you see your friends?
i lurve for nights when they ll say we arent gonna meet.
dont mean this as bad as it sounds.
i would say i meet with people 4 times per week on average.

Where do you go with your friends?
i want people who would go to bars that i dont normally do.
like underground booze places with rock music and few people.

edit! of course at eachother's houses.
bars/clubbing used to be 1/per week or per fortnight.

Do you ever go out alone?
yeah, on my daily coffee near by.
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Old 11.06.2013, 06:46 AM   #3
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On your average week what do you get up to?

i get up to make a fire, these days. at 4am or earlier. or how did you mean that?

When you are at home what are you doing?

working, hanging out by myself or w/ la familia.

When you are at work what are you doing?

anything from filling up paperwork to fixing to computers to splitting wood or shoveling gravel.

When you are sitting with your friends (if you have any) what do you talk about

on a good day, ideas. on a bad day, stupid gossip.

How often do you see your friends?

daily/weekly/depends (i live in the wild)

Where do you go with your friends?

to the woods for a hike and then home to drink. or to a coffee shop or to a bar. depends.

Do you ever go out alone?

of course. it's the best ever. expensive too.

Don't just mention the coolest things you can think of.

define coolest thing

I am just trying to work out what the hell everyone else is doing as I often find my self stuck for something to do that doesn't involve spending money or having a picnic.

i have no idea what everyone else does. i really stopped giving a shit about them a long time ago. i have my own rules. "they" can suck it.

I paint most days but that might only be for a couple of hours. I jam on weekends with a group of friends but that is only twice a month maybe. I work 20 hours a week.

i hate to tell you this but as you get older your friends each go in their own direction and become less central to your life.

There is a lot of time in between those hobbies that I have to wonder where it all goes.

i don't know, but you could take up cooking. the returns are huge.
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Old 11.06.2013, 07:13 AM   #4
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Get up to something as in to do something.
Are you not familiar with that term?

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
On your average week what do you get up to?

i get up to make a fire, these days. at 4am or earlier. or how did you mean that?

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i hate to tell you this but as you get older your friends each go in their own direction and become less central to your life.

i wont say you are wrong but it doesn't have to be like that not if you play by your own rules as you say you do so your self. I am 26 and have been living out of home for the last 6 years, I am well aware of the way things can go but thank you for the advice.
Old 11.06.2013, 07:32 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
Get up to something as in to do something.
Are you not familiar with that term?

it's not my native language so idioms sometimes trip me up. i have a small art-related business and i'm building a house.

Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
i wont say you are wrong but it doesn't have to be like that not if you play by your own rules as you say you do so your self. I am 26 and have been living out of home for the last 6 years, I am well aware of the way things can go but thank you for the advice.

you make up your rules for yourself but not for the others, so they can drift away. they start making babies or getting into their careers and they just won't be around on a tuesday night to go for a drink. it just happens.

of course there will always be other people, but in the end for the most part it's back to one's partners/families. just the way the cookie crumbles (ah, there's that idiom). not advice but just an answer to your question of what people do, etc., as things change.
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Old 11.06.2013, 08:51 AM   #6
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When you are at home what are you doing?

Watching films; reading books; posting here; eating; watching sport; answering work related emails.

When you are at work what are you doing?

Drinking coffee, teaching

When you are sitting with your friends (if you have any) what do you talk about

Depends on the friend, but mainly work, football, the state of London, gossiping about other friends.

How often do you see your friends?

Some I see a few times a week, others very rarely. Depends how far away they are from me.

Where do you go with your friends?

Depends on the friend, but generally the pub.

Do you ever go out alone?

All the time.
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Old 11.06.2013, 11:10 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
On your average week what do you get up to?

When you are at home what are you doing?


Generally fucking up everything and everybody! Total fucking CHAOS!!

When you are at work what are you doing?


Generally fucking up everything and everybody! Total fucking CHAOS!!


When you are sitting with your friends (if you have any) what do you talk about


Generally fucking up everything and everybody! Total fucking CHAOS!!

How often do you see your friends?
Daily for fucking up everything and everybody! Total fucking CHAOS!!\

Where do you go with your friends?
Generally fucking up everything and everybody! Total fucking CHAOS!!
Do you ever go out alone?

I wear my sunglasses at night..


I paint most days but that might only be for a couple of hours. I jam on weekends with a group of friends but that is only twice a month maybe. I work 20 hours a week.

That is fantastic, keep that up, don't lose your passion for art, even if opportunities decline, it is what you make it. Make it happen. Even if just for yourself, your art is your world.

There is a lot of time in between those hobbies that I have to wonder where it all goes.

Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 11.07.2013, 08:19 AM   #8
Keeping It Simple
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Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
On your average week what do you get up to?

When you are at home what are you doing?
When you are at work what are you doing?
When you are sitting with your friends (if you have any) what do you talk about
How often do you see your friends?
Where do you go with your friends?
Do you ever go out alone?

Don't just mention the coolest things you can think of.

I am just trying to work out what the hell everyone else is doing as I often find my self stuck for something to do that doesn't involve spending money or having a picnic.

I paint most days but that might only be for a couple of hours. I jam on weekends with a group of friends but that is only twice a month maybe. I work 20 hours a week.
There is a lot of time in between those hobbies that I have to wonder where it all goes.

Do you work for the KGB?
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Old 11.07.2013, 09:28 AM   #9
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I work in a media agency.
I get up to sunlight, usually.

you're the boy

that can enjoy
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Old 11.07.2013, 11:06 AM   #10
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When you are at home what are you doing?

Normally playing guitar, reading, podcasting (I have to do loads for work) or listening to music.

When you are at work what are you doing?

I have two jobs; at the first one I make over priced coffee and sandwiches. At the second one I produce radio programs.

When you are sitting with your friends (if you have any) what do you talk about

Depends on the friend but music, politics, gossip, conspiracy theories and whatever really.

How often do you see your friends?

Try and see them twice a week.

Where do you go with your friends?

Hang out at each others houses, the pub or gigs.

Do you ever go out alone?

Yeah all the time, normally to shows though.
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Old 11.07.2013, 02:59 PM   #11
Toilet & Bowels
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On your average week what do you get up to? For the last couple of months it's been like this: get up at 7.45, go to work, finish work around 5.20, get some kind of exercise for an hour or an hour half (either, gym, tai chi or walking home from work) come home and cook dinner, chat to my housemates and watch sopranos with my girlfriend. On Mondays GF and I go out for pizza with friends.

When you are at home what are you doing? Fucking around on the internet, watching sopranos, playing video games, cooking, talking, doing chores.

When you are at work what are you doing? Sitting at a desk, staring at a screen, not talking much, drinking cups of tea or coffee.

When you are sitting with your friends (if you have any) what do you talk about? Depending on which friend: other people we know, what's going on in our lives, our jobs, or love lives, music films books.

How often do you see your friends? My girlfriend is my best friend and we live together, other friends probably not enough, I only hang out with other people about once or twice/week.
Where do you go with your friends? Movies, gigs, restaurants, drinks places.
Do you ever go out alone? I go to gigs and films by myself often.

I don't really do anything productive with my spare time these days, I've been in a bit of a rut like that.
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Old 11.07.2013, 06:58 PM   #12
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When you are at home what are you doing?
Most of the time I do absolutely fuck all. Rest of the time I worry and stress about shit, sit in front my laptop, occasionally sketch something or play my guitar or send job applications (with zero success).

When you are at work what are you doing?
Have been unemployed way too long and counting so go figure.

When you are sitting with your friends (if you have any) what do you talk about
Random shit. Mostly about whats going on or what have one´s been listening to.

How often do you see your friends?
During the weekends. I only know few people in this town, so not much social life.

Where do you go with your friends?
Local pubs and bars.

Do you ever go out alone?
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Old 11.07.2013, 07:14 PM   #13
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On your average week what do you get up to?

I work at night 11pm - 7am. I'm usually go to bed (around 9am) after my wife and daughter leave for work / school. I usually sleep until 3-5pm. My wife / daughter are usually in bed or getting ready for bed when I leave for work at 10:20pm.

When you are at home what are you doing?

House & yard work. Helping my daughter with her homework. Chilling with the family. Dropping the needle on some vinyl. SPORTS

When you are at work what are you doing?

I work in a highly secured building. I supervise staff and clients. When all is quiet (majority of nights are quite), I listen to music and podcast (Perfect Sound Forever, What's This Called)......and I do a bit of reading.

When you are sitting with your friends (if you have any) what do you talk about

When hanging with "couple" friends, we're usually discussing local news, school issues, sports, music and anything in general.

How often do you see your friends?

My best friend lives in San Antonio and we don't get to talk as much now due to he and his wife just having another baby......but we usually talk daily / multiple times per week about any and everything (lots of sports).

Where do you go with your friends?

My wife and I have a few couples we go out to eat with, backyard grill and go see concerts / short weekend trips. Casino trips to Louisiana & Vegas!

Do you ever go out alone?

YES - usually for a concert my wife has no desire to see or can't due to our kids or work......at the same time, she has her "dance / school mom" friends she goes out to eat / play Bunko with.
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Old 11.07.2013, 08:14 PM   #14
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Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 11.07.2013, 08:24 PM   #15
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Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 11.07.2013, 08:55 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
ok, i;ve never tried crack but i think Tyrone was lying about his drug of choice. haha!!!

Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 11.08.2013, 04:47 AM   #17
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I'm amused by the fact that people are confused by the expression "what do you get up to".

I get up to have a wee normally.
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Old 11.08.2013, 09:11 AM   #18
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On your average week what do you get up to? dealing with the endless fucking bullshit that comes with being an adult.

When you are at home what are you doing? lately I am unpacking and shit. Otherwise I read, listen to music, or watch stuff on TV. I cook sometimes, or my wife cooks sometimes. I rock the ganj.

When you are at work what are you doing? taking care of biznass. I book flights and accommodations for employment candidates. I maintain search files. I support the Dean of Libraries. I maintain several software platforms we use. I process reimbursements, and make purchase orders.

When you are sitting with your friends (if you have any) what do you talk about? we talk about music, movies, sports, life, jobs, assholes, drugs, women, jokes, col' rip on each other. what we do not talk about is cars, money, or feelings.

How often do you see your friends? every week I see someone.

Where do you go with your friends? various bars where I don't drink. Each other's houses. as you get older all your friends have families and kids and shit so meeting in cool places is out.

Do you ever go out alone? only to shop for records.
RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read.
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Old 11.10.2013, 07:54 PM   #19
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I work like 60 hours a week....so during the week I sleep, work, and play video games(SF3 mainly) while listening to music...oh and laundry. But that's basically it...unless there's an important errand. Then the weekends are normally spent in my room if I don't go out with my friends.....which is just about like once a month....maybe....

right now I'm just trying to save money to fix mah PC(actually I Have the money I just have to drive to drop it off....but I've just been insanely lazy) and also to fix my guitar.
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Old 01.05.2014, 08:54 AM   #20
Genteel Death
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When you are at home what are you doing?
Post on the internet, read, watch movies/tv shows, draw, paint, collage, listen to music,clean, cook, wash, hang out with my flatmates, experiment with sounds/sound editing and combine the results with images I shot and talk on the phone. Occasionally I work from home if I think that I can't finish something on time and I have a deadline.
When you are at work what are you doing?
Talk to posh people on the phone, produce reports, go to meetings and reply to emails.
When you are sitting with your friends (if you have any) what do you talk about
Who's seeing who, work, other people etc.
How often do you see your friends?
At least once a week, often twice.
Where do you go with your friends?
Pubs, restaurants, our houses and very rarely clubbing.
Do you ever go out alone?
Yes, especially on Sundays I like to cycle along the canals and take pictures, check out what's going in art galleries and do some shopping.
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