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Old 08.15.2007, 11:43 AM   #1
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Hi guys, anyone going to this gig? I'm stoked cause they are performing Daydream Nation and this is the first time I will be seeing my favourite band!

I would really like to know who the support is, has anyone got an idea?
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Old 08.15.2007, 04:42 PM   #2
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It's Orphan Fairytale. Don't know much about them..
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Old 08.15.2007, 05:41 PM   #3
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Oh right, Google tells me nothing about them.
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Old 08.18.2007, 01:44 PM   #4
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There should be another thread regarding orphan fairytale, this goes back about a month ago, but im sure there was a live clip on it. Orphan Fairytale is a chick with distorted electronics, that s all i know
Cant wait for the 22nd!
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Old 08.18.2007, 02:18 PM   #5
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here is a clip from myspace

http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fusea...eoid=26756 96
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Old 08.19.2007, 10:20 AM   #6
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she's weird, but in a good way. Typical Belgian
what comes first,
the music or the words?


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Old 08.20.2007, 07:33 PM   #7
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So excited! Travelling to dublin tomorrow then flying wednesday to see the beautiful youth play in glasgow, anyone here wanna meet? Hear the nice n sleazy might be a good place to visit for a couple of pints beforehand, am a scot virgin!
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Old 08.21.2007, 11:52 AM   #8
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hmmmmmmmmm beer
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Old 08.22.2007, 06:10 AM   #9
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Wow. Great gig, probably the best I've seen them. Lee in particular looked like he was having a blast tonight, and Rain King and Eric's Trip were particularly good.


Daydream Nation

Do You Believe In Rapture
Jams Run Free
Pink Steam

Shaking Hell
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Old 08.22.2007, 06:27 AM   #10
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great to hear that they are in good form.
very excited about paris now
She holds the room up by talk alone
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Old 08.22.2007, 07:51 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by badgercorn

Daydream Nation

Do You Believe In Rapture
Jams Run Free
Pink Steam

Shaking Hell

Hi, Guys,

First-time poster on this forum ... long-time SONIC YOUTH fan since '83 / '84, but last night in Glasgow was the ultimate ... absolute perfection ... SHAKING HELL, for me, was the highlight ...

This old guy can die happy!
Old 08.22.2007, 09:28 AM   #12
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They had better do Shaking Hell again tonight. Cross the Breeze and Shaking Hell on the same setlist -- holy shit.

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Old 08.22.2007, 10:11 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by GravitySlips
Shaking Hell was phenomenal. Best show I've ever been at...and I'll be back tonight!
Another Glasgow gig another name-check to Jim & William Reid, this time after TOTAL TRASH ... from memory, at the March '89 gigs at Strathclyde Uni, BROTHER JAMES was dedicated to Jim Reid; again by Thurston ...
Old 08.22.2007, 11:15 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by GravitySlips
After Total Trash? I don't remember, man...although I was quite drunk which may explain that. What did Thurston say?

I envy you so much for seeing them in '89.
Exact quote, I think, was "That's for the two brothers from Glasgow ... Total Trash" ... me and my mates immediately guessed it was a reference to Jim & William, given Thurston's previous name-checking of JAMC ...'89? Yeah, they were a great pair of gigs ... MUDHONEY were equally as awesome ...
Old 08.22.2007, 05:56 PM   #15
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Same set tonight, except What A Waste and The World Looks Red replacing Jams Run Free and Shaking Hell
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Old 08.22.2007, 07:34 PM   #16
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This show was great. Much better than the last time I saw them (on the washing machine tour at the barras). I wish I had gone on tuesdat as well

I hope they do sister or dirty like this. The new stuff off rather ripped sounded great as well. Only listened to the CD a few times so will have to play it again
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Old 08.23.2007, 01:47 AM   #17
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Seminal bands relive their youth with classic playlists

SLINT ****

PRESENTED by the left-field alternative festival All Tomorrow's Parties as part of its mouthwatering series of gigs performed under the Don't Look Back banner, these two very welcome shows marked the first time the series has travelled north of the Border, thanks to Glasgow promoters Synergy.
The premise of Don't Look Back is very simple: a classic band with a bit of history get together on stage and perform their finest hour in its entirety, playing their most revered album in order from start to finish. Although both Louisville post-rock founding fathers Slint and New York No Wavers turned alternative rockers Sonic Youth hold a special place in the hearts of underground music fans the world over, the real draw - and the ceaselessly creative longevity of the more famous band's career - was apparent here. Slint managed one well-attended gig, while Sonic Youth were playing the first of two sold-out shows.
It's doubly impressive, then, that Slint played what might be considered the lesser of these two gigs. Presenting their 1991 album Spiderland (the second of only two albums they made in their career), they were excellent. On pain of sounding paternal, many contemporary purveyors of what might be glibly defined as "alternative" music could do a whole lot worse than listen to them for a true definition of the term, for Slint make defiant, risk-taking, noisy music that still sounds boundary-pushing today.
The originators of the quiet-loud-quiet template of instrumental guitar music which has since been foisted on us by everyone from Mogwai to Godspeed You! Black Emperor, their music is sonorous, bleak and strangely introspective. The sound was exceptional for this show - if a little deafening in certain parts of the hall - as it really needed to be, and what little vocals there were ended up drowned out by the utterly epic, occasionally simply primal, music.
After the six lengthy tracks from Spiderland had been played, they treated the crowd to both songs from 1994's Slint EP, their final recording to date, and a long-awaited new track entitled King's Approach. Instilling a kind of fury to Krautrock's metronomic approach, it's not just a great song but an indicator of new directions to come. There was no encore, as if one were needed.
Yet however much Slint impressed, Sonic Youth felt like the main event, although their style seemed almost like pop music next to the previous night's occupants of this stage. Nonetheless, Sonic Youth are a group who weather well with age, and that's not just a reference to the youthful complexions of Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon, the husband and wife team at the heart of the band.
Perhaps even more so than Spiderland - certainly in terms of how widely it's recognised and how many DIY rock bands it's influenced - Sonic Youth's Daydream Nation is a seminal album, and the automatic first choice for an event like this. From the boundless power pop of the opening Teenage Riot to the grinding, dissonant closing suite of The Wonder, Hyperstation and Eliminator J, the band's performance of it was faithful, yet filled with a fiery energy that you wouldn't associate with most bands giving a repertory performance in their third decade.
Even more generous than Slint with the extra tracks at the end, Moore, Gordon, et al actually came back with two encores, which seemed like a handy way of compartmentalising the output of different eras as much as anything else. First they gave us five songs from last year's Rather Ripped album (their 14th full studio recording) including tracks that compare favourably with those classics which had gone before, such as Incinerate and Do You Believe In Rapture? Impressively, both sets of songs seemed to energise the band equally, with Gordon dancing feverishly along to Jams Run Free as she might have done during one of Daydream Nation's earliest performances.
Finally, after a note of thanks to their "Scottish brothers and sisters" (Glasgow's musical underground has always been in tune with the kind of willfully individual noise Sonic Youth make), they returned for one last song, this time the tumultuous Shaking Hell, from their first album proper Confusion Is Sex. It might be appropriate to say that both bands had provided us with a rather concise history lesson, if it wasn't about so much more than that.
This article: http://living.scotsman.com/music.cfm?id=1334312007
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Old 08.23.2007, 03:06 AM   #18
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Old 08.23.2007, 09:45 AM   #19
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my highlights:
Silver Rocket
Cross the Breeze
Hey Joni
The Wonder

I enjoyed the second night more for some reason, probably was just in a better mood and closer to the stage.. took a few pics that I will upload soon..

did anyone go to the Six Organs late show after the Sonics on Tuesday? You got £2 off with an SY ticket stub so I was totally up for going but my mate wasn't so we ended up heading home.. total bummer as Elisa from Magik Markers was playing and would really have liked to have seen her, plus you just know that at least Thurston and Lee would've been hanging out..
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Old 08.23.2007, 11:54 AM   #20
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I was there on the 21st. Really, Really good gig. I think I managed to get the best spot (in the middle of the raised section). Could just see over the main crowd and could hear everything well. I was chanting for Drunken Butterfly whenever there was a gap but no such luck.

Slint was a fantastic gig too.
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