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Old 02.22.2024, 10:17 PM   #5981
The Soup Nazi
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
iggy and the estuches


well im off to read something else

Read about that fuckin' theocrat on The Politics Thread.

You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock.

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Old 02.22.2024, 10:19 PM   #5982
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I've been very health/fitness book conscious the past 18 months.

Presently reading "Why We Sleep" and "The Vegetarian Myth"
Shake shake
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Old 02.22.2024, 11:32 PM   #5983
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Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Read about that fuckin' theocrat on The Politics Thread.
um, fuck no, lol

(this thread was enough of a killjoy for one evening)

i need to disinfect my poor cards now

the last thing i need is more homework assignments!

i enjoy PLAY and abhor voluntary misery

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Old 02.22.2024, 11:54 PM   #5984
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Originally Posted by tw2113
I've been very health/fitness book conscious the past 18 months.

Presently reading "Why We Sleep" and "The Vegetarian Myth"

i hate vegetarianism. i've attempted it enough times, always with terrible results

pastured eggs and sockeye salmon ftw

also, yum, bison liver! do you get bison meat in sd? (gonna guess plenty? i mean it's tatanka central...)
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Old 02.23.2024, 11:22 PM   #5985
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!

i hate vegetarianism. i've attempted it enough times, always with terrible results

pastured eggs and sockeye salmon ftw

also, yum, bison liver! do you get bison meat in sd? (gonna guess plenty? i mean it's tatanka central...)

I assume it's generally available, but I admittedly don't eat a huge amount of bison. I've had some, but not a lot.

At the moment, my take is that if someone wants to be vegetarian/vegan, and it works for them, go for it. More meat for me.

The idea of taking ruminant animals out of the cycle of life, including consumption, would be worse for the planet than beneficial.

Another book I'd recommend is "Sacred Cow" by Robb Wolf and Diana Rodgers. As they'll say repeatedly: "It's not the cow, it's the how!"
Shake shake
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Old 02.23.2024, 11:40 PM   #5986
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This world is big and wild and half insane
Take me where real animals are playing
Just a dirty old shack
Where the hound dogs bark
That we called our home
I want to be back there
Among the cats and dogs
And the pigs and the goats

On Animal Farm
My animal home
On Animal Farm
My animal home

You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock.

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Old 02.25.2024, 09:13 PM   #5987
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Originally Posted by tw2113
I assume it's generally available, but I admittedly don't eat a huge amount of bison. I've had some, but not a lot.

your local plains and the bison basically evolved together, especially before the mammoth extinction... mammoths killed trees actually and made more room for grasses lol

bison meat is pricey, but i looove the liver! i can find mine locally for $5/lb which is a great value because it's so nutritionally dense... not everyone is into organs though, but liver is amazing food

Originally Posted by tw2113
At the moment, my take is that if someone wants to be vegetarian/vegan, and it works for them, go for it. More meat for me.

haha, yeah, i hate the food, not the people. in fact my first attempt during my teens was because of a girl hahahaha. my final attempt was during the pandemic. it was the last straw though. never again

i've tried all sorts of approaches, but i always end up sick and disgusted with a vegan diet. and carbs, as much as i love them, mostly make me hungry if i eat them as a staple. otoh i have zero problems digesting animal protein and fats, and they ward off hunger like nothing else. sure i eat my fruits and veggies too but for the vitamins and minerals not for macronutrients

Originally Posted by tw2113
The idea of taking ruminant animals out of the cycle of life, including consumption, would be worse for the planet than beneficial.

right, they are essential to their ecosystems. moving herds grazing quickly actually stimulate growth in grasslands. it's a beautiful thing, and we have ruined it

Originally Posted by tw2113
Another book I'd recommend is "Sacred Cow" by Robb Wolf and Diana Rodgers. As they'll say repeatedly: "It's not the cow, it's the how!"

yeah, the feedlot seems to be the problem in our world... feeding ruminants corn and soy is far from ideal-- they're grass not grain and bean eaters. we have a weird food system. like you said, removing them from the life cycle...

but the economic pressure is there to do it... and i don't have an answer to that...
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Old 02.26.2024, 07:54 AM   #5988
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meanwhile, i rewound and started again...

Anger be now your song, immortal one,
Akhilleus’ anger, doomed and ruinous,
that caused the Akhaians loss on bitter loss
and crowded brave souls into the undergloom,
leaving so many dead men—carrion
for dogs and birds; and the will of Zeus was done.
Begin it when the two men first contending
broke with one another— the Lord Marshal Agamémnon, Atreus’ son, and Prince Akhilleus.

Among the gods, who brought this quarrel on?

The son of Zeus by Lêto. Agamémnon
angered him, so he made a burning wind
of plague rise in the army: rank and file
sickened and died for the ill their chief had done
in despising a man of prayer.
This priest, Khrysês, had come down to the ships
with gifts, no end of ransom for his daughter;
on a golden staff he carried the god’s white bands
and sued for grace from the men of all Akhaia,
the two Atreidai most of all:
“O captains
Meneláos and Agamémnon, and you other
Akhaians under arms!
The gods who hold Olympos, may they grant you
plunder of Priam’s town and a fair wind home,
but let me have my daughter back for ransom
as you revere Apollo, son of Zeus!”

Then all the soldiers murmured their assent:

“Behave well to the priest. And take the ransom!”

But Agamémnon would not. It went against his desire,
and brutally he ordered the man away:
“Let me not find you here by the long ships
loitering this time or returning later,
old man; if I do,
the staff and ribbons of the god will fail you.
Give up the girl? I swear she will grow old
at home in Argos, far from her own country,
working my loom and visiting my bed.
Leave me in peace and go, while you can, in safety.”


fucking agamémnon, an absolute prick!
why doesn't HE die instead of everybody else?
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Old 05.24.2024, 11:35 AM   #5989
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Jenn with a great breakdown of post SY influence on modern bands and their place in music world
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Old 05.24.2024, 10:27 PM   #5990
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Originally Posted by MisterTrick

Jenn with a great breakdown of post SY influence on modern bands and their place in music world
read it

loved it!
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Old 05.26.2024, 09:47 PM   #5991
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Potentially finishing "The Carnivore Diet" tomorrow. Definitely finished "Impact Players" today.
Shake shake
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Old 10.29.2024, 02:26 PM   #5992
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Finished Ralph Steadman's I, Leonardo.

fantastic book.

RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read.
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Old 12.12.2024, 12:33 AM   #5993
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Masterpiece. Go in for the "salacious" stuff if you must, but get ready to feel your heart torn the fuck apart. Unless you're a mook.

You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock.

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Old 12.12.2024, 09:40 AM   #5994
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Anna Karenina
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Old 12.12.2024, 11:08 AM   #5995
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Originally Posted by Severian
Anna Karenina
aaaaahhh yes!
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Old 12.12.2024, 02:45 PM   #5996
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Finished The Once and Future Goddess: A Symbol For Our Time.

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Old 12.12.2024, 03:54 PM   #5997
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Coincidentally enough, I've been re-reading Sacred Cow, which I mention above on this same thread page. Depending on how things go with the holidays, it may be the last book I finish in 2024, but we'll see. Not sure what I'm going to start next, but I do see Kim Gordon's "Girl in a band" towards the top of my TBR stack next to me. Maybe?
Shake shake
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Old 12.16.2024, 02:34 PM   #5998
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Finished Carlo Rovelli's HELGOLAND: Making Sense of the Quantum Revolution

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Old 01.25.2025, 01:39 AM   #5999
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"Because Internet" by Gretchen McCulloch, and "Girl in a Band" by our girl Kim Gordon
Shake shake
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Old 01.27.2025, 07:16 PM   #6000
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Finished a great reference work by Hermann Kern - Through the Labyrinth https://rxttbooks.blogspot.com/2025/...nd-brings.html
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