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Old 01.24.2013, 03:30 PM   #241
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prolly just mad cuz she ugly
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Old 01.24.2013, 03:37 PM   #242
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I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I'd trust Rob with my sister.

I'm not sure I'd trust my sister with Rob, though. She's freaky about brown guys, from south of the US border. Why? "Because they have culture". Unlike white guys.
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Old 01.24.2013, 03:38 PM   #243
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
nobody here (that i know of, anyway) is for rapists, or idiot judges, or for politicians who make stupid claims of "legitimate rape".

but asking people to shut up on the internet because what they say makes you sad isn't going to stop any rapists, stupid judges, or idiot politicians.

Nobody that you know... Statistics show that most people don't even know what rape IS. We had an example in this thread of someone saying that he thinks sexual assault only happens when harm is done to the body. There are great misconceptions about this.

There are plenty of cases, and most studies about this are from the US, about how victims are actually the ones who get judged during the process. Their clothing, sexual behavior, drinking habits... everything is analysed in a really humiliating process, where conviction is a minority of the cases.

Many factors get into that: while young women and women who have been raped by strangers have better chances, prostitutes or married women who have been raped by their husbands have basically no chance of winning.

Most women who are murdered are killed by a partner, while that is rare for men. In many cases, they have already reported abuse or threat before but aren't given enough protection.

This has everything to do with the cultural notion of a woman as an object.

By educating people about what objetification really means and how it helps the perpetuation of violence against women, I can hope for them to confront certain embedded notions and become better people to the women in their lives.

This is important in an age where violence against women is alarmingly on the rise.

You don't have the right to decide what's worthy of doing.
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Old 01.24.2013, 03:39 PM   #244
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
In Houston most supermarkets have special parking for "expectant mothers"

Knox, again, you are bringing too much personal shit to something as simple as you being offended by a comment I made. More power to you for helping those that need it.

No, Rob, I'm trying to explain to you how you can help.
But you don't seem to want to know.
You're just in denial and being defensive.

I can talk personally, of course, because I'm a woman.
And I actually have to deal with the reality of that every day of my life in a way that you don't know.
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Old 01.24.2013, 03:42 PM   #245
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Pregnant women in America do not recieve that privilige. She doesn't even get a special parking spot, unless it's in front of 'the baby store'.

You'd have to be a real jerk to think that pregnant women cutting queues is some sort of privilege, like our pal implied.
Maybe we should allow anyone who's put for going through this to jump it, I would let these boys go ahead of me:

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Old 01.24.2013, 03:45 PM   #246
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I help every day knox. You do not know. You are only reading a few short words posted on a forum, and inferring a whole mess of stuff based upon it, or what you perceive as my character.
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Old 01.24.2013, 03:49 PM   #247
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I'm telling you how you can help more, with the littlest of things.
But you don't seem interested, and that's sad, but not unusual.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but most men react the exact same way when told these things.
It's hard to face privileges that we take for granted and actually realise that they are privileges.

I'm not talking about your character.
I'm talking about things most people do without realising it, because they are products of their environment and upbringing.
But this environment has to be changed, and the things that seem so "natural" to us need to be challenged to make that happen.
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Old 01.24.2013, 03:49 PM   #248
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I guess Austin is full of jerks.

I'm the type of guy who'd offer my place before I'm even asked (see previous post about opening doors). I'm sure someone could feel slighted by that, but I'll be damned if I ever stop being hyper-polite.
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Old 01.24.2013, 03:50 PM   #249
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Originally Posted by knox
Nobody that you know... Statistics show that most people don't even know what rape IS. We had an example in this thread of someone saying that he thinks sexual assault only happens when harm is done to the body. There are great misconceptions about this.

There are plenty of cases, and most studies about this are from the US, about how victims are actually the ones who get judged during the process. Their clothing, sexual behavior, drinking habits... everything is analysed in a really humiliating process, where conviction is a minority of the cases.

Many factors get into that: while young women and women who have been raped by strangers have better chances, prostitutes or married women who have been raped by their husbands have basically no chance of winning.

Most women who are murdered are killed by a partner, while that is rare for men. In many cases, they have already reported abuse or threat before but aren't given enough protection.

This has everything to do with the cultural notion of a woman as an object.

By educating people about what objetification really means and how it helps the perpetuation of violence against women, I can hope for them to confront certain embedded notions and become better people to the women in their lives.

This is important in an age where violence against women is alarmingly on the rise.

You don't have the right to decide what's worthy of doing.
as i've said before, distancing myself from your totalitarian position on censorhip, you can say whatever the hell you want on the internet (even if it makes some people sad). but rather than educate as you wish to do, you rant and pontificate and alienate.

your stated agenda is a fine and worthy one, your methods on the other hand are pure shit and ultimately damaging to your cause.
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Old 01.24.2013, 03:59 PM   #250
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You can only "educate" people who are willing to listen.

Also, it's sexist in itself for you to dictate my methods.
I don't have to be nice and sweet to people whose first reaction to everything I say is to ridicule and belittle me, when they clearly don't do it to males saying the same thing as I am.

This is coming from a man who made sexist comments about me being a woman and drinking, as if drinking without having your character questioned is the privilege of men.

There's a sexist double standard there.
And I have no obligation to be nice to people who aren't nice to me.

Also, in my experience, I have to ring my warning bells whenever a man is quick to ridicule, insult and use bad words towards a woman who questions him. Life has taught me that's not a good sign.

You don't have to appreciate my methods because, once again, it's not about you.

Also, there's a loophole in your mansplaining tactics: on one hand you imply I'm acting like a "victim" by speaking up, on the other hand you try to imply I'm being an "angry bitch" for pressing on it without stopping or fearing your negative reactions.

Also, it's not "damaging" to my cause because you're here, you care enough to have a reaction about it, you are getting bothered about it, so I must be touching the right spot.
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Old 01.24.2013, 04:03 PM   #251
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Originally Posted by knox
Hum, yeah. Line cutting when you're pregnant, that certainly makes up for everything.
Originally Posted by knox
You'd have to be a real jerk to think that pregnant women cutting queues is some sort of privilege, like our pal implied.
Maybe we should allow anyone who's put for going through this to jump it, I would let these boys go ahead of me:

Jesus Christ Knox, I was being sarcastic.
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Old 01.24.2013, 04:09 PM   #252
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Originally Posted by knox
You can only "educate" people who are willing to listen.

that's why capable educators train themselves in the art of persuading people to listen instead of hurling insults at their audience and demanding said audience "listens"

Originally Posted by knox
Also, it's sexist in itself for you to dictate my methods.

this is as ridiculous statement as it gets because it implies the double idiocy that a) you can do no wrong, and b) one gender is not allowed to notice when you do wrong

Originally Posted by knox
I don't have to be nice and sweet to people whose first reaction to everything I say is ridicule and belittle me, when they clearly don't do it to males saying the same thing as I am.

i ridicule everyone equally. ask anyone! suchfriends can tell you a few stories...

Originally Posted by knox
This is coming from a man who made sexist comments about me being a woman and drinking, as if drinking without having your character questioned is the privilege of men.

i don't recall this but i do remember you liked to drink alone in front of the computer, which is something i find generally objectionable and the province of alcoholics

Originally Posted by knox
There's a sexist double standard there.

bitter drunks aren't gender-specific

Originally Posted by knox
And I have no obligation to be nice to people who aren't nice to me.

and the reverse is true. which is why you're not an "educator".

Originally Posted by knox
Also, in my experience, I have to ring my warning bells whenever a man is quick to ridicule, insult and use bad words towards a woman who questions him. Life has taught me that's not a good sign.

like i said before, i'm an equal-opportunity asshole, which means that when i see shit i call shit regardless of the source.
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Old 01.24.2013, 04:09 PM   #253
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Originally Posted by Trama
Jesus Christ Knox, I was being sarcastic.

Hard to tell anymore when so many people have being saying similar shit or worse without being sarcastic. Let's do sarcasm some other time.
Sort of a funny mood today.
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Old 01.24.2013, 04:15 PM   #254
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that's why capable educators train themselves in the art of persuading people to listen instead of hurling insults at their audience and demanding said audience "listens"

this is as ridiculous statement as it gets because it implies the double idiocy that a) you can do no wrong, and b) one gender is not allowed to notice when you do wrong

i ridicule everyone equally. ask anyone! suchfriends can tell you a few stories...

i don't recall this but i do remember you liked to drink alone in front of the computer, which is something i find generally objectionable and the province of alcoholics

bitter drunks aren't gender-specific

and the reverse is true. which is why you're not an "educator".

like i said before, i'm an equal-opportunity asshole, which means that when i see shit i call shit regardless of the source.

since when it's your business whether someone's an alcoholic?
and since when that should invalidate anyone's point?

i actually remember quite well how you made specific remarks about WOMEN drinking.

equal opportunities, it really doesn't seem that way.
i'm not an educator, i'm a proper fucking bitch.
i'm not here to pet anybody until they insult me until they decide to "allow" me to say something.
you're an asshole to me, i'm an asshole back.

this whole bullshit about "i'm all for equal rights" so i'm going to ignore every social inequality about race, gender, class, origin, sexual orientation as i go though life as the level playing field is equal is REALLY OLD NOW.

like i said, you should stop borrowing arguments from conservative republicans.

next thing you'll start about talking against affirmative action or something because it seems you're going towards that direction.
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Old 01.24.2013, 04:21 PM   #255
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Originally Posted by knox
since when it's your business whether someone's an alcoholic?

since i made it my business because i wanted to.

Originally Posted by knox
and since when that should invalidate anyone's point?

i didn't say that, you brought it up.

Originally Posted by knox
equal opportunities, it really doesn't seem that tay.
i'm not an educator, i'm a proper fucking bitch.

i think you're drunk now-- and not in a fun way.

Originally Posted by knox
this whole bullshit about "i'm all for equal rights" so i'm going to ignore every social inequality about race, gender, class, origin, sexual orientation as i go though life as the level playing field is equal is REALLY OLD NOW.

i didn't say that, but of course you had to go and change everything

Originally Posted by knox
like i said, you should stop borrowing arguments from conservative republicans.

next thing you'll start about talking against affirmative action or something because it seems you're going towards that direction.

wow, you're really drunk now, or just plain stupid.

i guess we'll find out after the hangover clears.
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Old 01.24.2013, 04:28 PM   #256
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I'm not drunk.

I'm pointing out to you how people like to 'naturalize" sexism as if it's more acceptable than racism.

I like discussing things, and I'm quite a patient person.
But not to anyone who's quick to start being a jerk or use my gender or gender-specific insults to patronize me.

Oh, and I have a special evil place in my heart for people who enjoy ridiculing feminists.

I wouldn't waste any drunkennes on you.
I've learnt that's a big mistake.
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Old 01.24.2013, 04:29 PM   #257
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Originally Posted by knox
I'm not drunk.

I'm pointing out to you how people like to 'naturalize" sexism as if it's more acceptable than racism.

I like discussing things, and I'm quite a patient person.
But not to anyone who's quick to start being a jerk or use my gender or gender-specific insults to patronize me.

Oh, and I have a special evil place in my heart for people who enjoy ridiculing feminists.

I wouldn't waste any drunkennes on you.
I've learnt that's a big mistake.

get well soon knox

drink lots of water
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Old 01.24.2013, 04:31 PM   #258
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Old 01.24.2013, 05:22 PM   #259
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!

your stated agenda is a fine and worthy one, your methods on the other hand are pure shit and ultimately damaging to your cause.

lets be honest here. if you think a few posts on a dead forum are going to damage the cause of 'try making smallest effort to be treat women better' then people must just be looking for excuses to not
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Old 01.24.2013, 05:26 PM   #260
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the idea that someone should "try to make the smallest effort to treat women better" ASSUMES that the person does not do this already, dig? Hence, it is bullshit, and as presumptuous as can be.
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