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Old 01.27.2009, 07:51 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Danny Himself
The crowd today is entirely populated by the ignorant college students of Great Britain, thinking they're ever so cool for 'roughing it' for the first time in their priveleged, middle-class lives. The same crowd of self-important tossers that ruined things like antique cameras, listening to the Kings of Leon, and nostalgia for the 1980s.

Those 'ignorant college students' don't bother me. They aren't the ones who steal things from your tent, get drunk and start fires, keep asking you if you can lend them money or drink (I'm thinking of The Leeds Festival here). As someone who grew-up in a fairly nasty area, I quite like being surrounded by priveleged, middle-class people - it's safe.

If you're with a group of friends, and you spend your time hanging-around the other stages (where the good bands play) or the green fields, Glastonbury is probably the best festival experience you can have.
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Old 01.27.2009, 08:40 AM   #22
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god, no not another festival tour.. does that mean the youth at an irish festival again playing for less than an hour???? nooooo. in a venue this time please!!!!
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Old 01.27.2009, 08:41 AM   #23
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kings of leon.....WHY?
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Old 01.27.2009, 09:56 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by blunderbuss
It would be like playing a gig to a load of fashion show whores.
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Old 01.27.2009, 09:57 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by blunderbuss
It would be like playing a gig to a load of fashion show whores.
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Old 01.27.2009, 01:21 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Danny Himself
The crowd today is entirely populated by the ignorant college students of Great Britain, thinking they're ever so cool for 'roughing it' for the first time in their priveleged, middle-class lives. The same crowd of self-important tossers that ruined things like antique cameras, listening to the Kings of Leon, and nostalgia for the 1980s.

"Ruined" antique cameras?

Sounds like you're the hipster douche my friend.
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Old 01.27.2009, 01:36 PM   #27
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That's just plain tacky, just like this wankfest of a festival. What next? Supporting Oasis? I could understand a young cool band having the arrogance to say they wanted to inflict some 'proper' crazy sounds to this most turgid of gatherings, but haven't SY had enough years to have a go at that already?
Old 01.27.2009, 04:07 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Danny Himself
The crowd today is entirely populated by the ignorant college students of Great Britain, thinking they're ever so cool for 'roughing it' for the first time in their priveleged, middle-class lives. The same crowd of self-important tossers that ruined things like antique cameras, listening to the Kings of Leon, and nostalgia for the 1980s.

Those college students are mainly the Oxbidge rejects at Bristol University. Though I'm not sure how that can really spoil a festival. Who do you exactly expect to go to festivals apart from students? Would you prefer being surrounded by stinking crusties/hippies? Do you go to festivals to make friends? If so at least the students will have some level of education. I don't know how anyone can ruin another's nostalgia....unless what you really mean is that you don't like things as soon as they get popular.
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Old 01.27.2009, 04:15 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Lurker
Would you prefer being surrounded by stinking crusties/hippies? .

100% yes

its not about not likeing things when they get popular, its about knowing when something has lost its appeal. When the things that made it decent have been priced out or have simply not been able to jump through all the fucking hoops required to get a ticket.

saying that i laughed last year when my mate walked into an hmv a week before and bought 2 tickets with cash!
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Old 01.27.2009, 04:16 PM   #30
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and why do you presume they're mostly from bristol?
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Old 01.27.2009, 04:26 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by SonicBebs
and why do you presume they're mostly from bristol?

Actually that's crap but there are a lot because of it being nearby. I just remember there being a lot of ras when I went then getting to know Bristol a bit I realised why.
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Old 01.27.2009, 04:32 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by SonicBebs
100% yes

its not about not likeing things when they get popular, its about knowing when something has lost its appeal. When the things that made it decent have been priced out or have simply not been able to jump through all the fucking hoops required to get a ticket.

Did 80s nostagia become expensive? Things don't just lose appeal, surely appeal is about whether an individual finds something appealing or not (that isn't saying anything about whether something is good). But anyway, if something loses its appeal when the privileged become interested then it clearly hasn't lost it's appeal; does an increase in the number of people interested in something mean an decrease in the thing's appeal? That would be a contradiction.
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Old 01.27.2009, 06:35 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Lurker
Did 80s nostagia become expensive? Things don't just lose appeal, surely appeal is about whether an individual finds something appealing or not (that isn't saying anything about whether something is good). But anyway, if something loses its appeal when the privileged become interested then it clearly hasn't lost it's appeal; does an increase in the number of people interested in something mean an decrease in the thing's appeal? That would be a contradiction.

I suppose, in the case of music, once a group becomes popular they can lose their appeal due to over-exposure, i.e., Sigur Ros's music being used to soundtrack every sporting moment of 2008. I have no idea how 80s nostalgia could have appealed to anyone at any point.

Anyway I'm just glad I finally know what a 'rah' is. Apparently the university I goto has lots of them.
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Old 01.27.2009, 06:52 PM   #34
Danny Himself
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Originally Posted by Lurker
Those college students are mainly the Oxbidge rejects at Bristol University. Though I'm not sure how that can really spoil a festival. Who do you exactly expect to go to festivals apart from students? Would you prefer being surrounded by stinking crusties/hippies? Do you go to festivals to make friends? If so at least the students will have some level of education. I don't know how anyone can ruin another's nostalgia....unless what you really mean is that you don't like things as soon as they get popular.

I expect nobody to go to festivals and to let me enjoy the bands I like ALONE. Also, when things I like get popular I will admit that is annoying because it's a sort of violation into the fragments of my personality.

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Old 01.27.2009, 07:03 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Danny Himself
I expect nobody to go to festivals and to let me enjoy the bands I like ALONE. Also, when things I like get popular I will admit that is annoying because it's a sort of violation into the fragments of my personality.


Oh right, I understand perfectly now. Those bloody selfish people.
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Old 01.27.2009, 07:10 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by NWRA
I suppose, in the case of music, once a group becomes popular they can lose their appeal due to over-exposure, i.e., Sigur Ros's music being used to soundtrack every sporting moment of 2008. I have no idea how 80s nostalgia could have appealed to anyone at any point.

Anyway I'm just glad I finally know what a 'rah' is. Apparently the university I goto has lots of them.

Oh ok, that does seem to make a bit more sense but it also makes me think that the band probably wasn't good in the first place. For example, if there was some piece of music, by some great composer, that was used a lot on tv I don't think that would put me off it because it doesn't get boring, it endures. Oh right, do you go to Bristol uni? It's spelt r a h is it? I didn't know that. It's meant to be how they speak, supposedly.
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Old 01.28.2009, 04:58 AM   #37
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Festivals are what you make of them.
Sigur Ros have always been shit.
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Old 01.28.2009, 11:32 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Lurker
Oh ok, that does seem to make a bit more sense but it also makes me think that the band probably wasn't good in the first place. For example, if there was some piece of music, by some great composer, that was used a lot on tv I don't think that would put me off it because it doesn't get boring, it endures. Oh right, do you go to Bristol uni? It's spelt r a h is it? I didn't know that. It's meant to be how they speak, supposedly.

I goto Leeds University - I just took a guess at how it was spelled!

Originally Posted by radarmaker
Festivals are what you make of them.
Sigur Ros have always been shit.

Agree with both.

Edit: trying to get the hang of quoting two posts in one reply.
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Old 01.28.2009, 11:51 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Danny Himself
The crowd today is entirely populated by the ignorant college students of Great Britain, thinking they're ever so cool for 'roughing it' for the first time in their priveleged, middle-class lives. The same crowd of self-important tossers that ruined things like antique cameras, listening to the Kings of Leon, and nostalgia for the 1980s.

you sir, you have encountered my full scale approval. godly.
A Dance Of Shadows - Kingdom Of Night
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Old 01.28.2009, 11:57 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by NWRA
I goto Leeds University - I just took a guess at how it was spelled!

Agree with both.

Oh right. Probably a better spelling than ra.

You have my name for the second quote. I didn't write that.
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