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Old 03.27.2007, 06:48 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by EvdWee
the funniest thing is that the USA is spreading democracy all over the world, but it is almost a policestate itself.

How so?
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Old 03.27.2007, 08:15 AM   #22
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your election system isn't fair. small parties won't get a change to make it to the congres: the minorities of the country aren't being heard.

on the other hand, the things your administration did after 9/11 is what i call over reacting. things like guantanamo bay...
the fact that they are allowed in some way to do all that makes me wonder what remains from the american thoughts of liberty and democracy.
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Old 03.27.2007, 10:22 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by sonicl
Anarchy is, sadly, not a viable political system because of the human being's tendency towards greed and selfishness. For anarchy to work would require widespread brainwashing.

So you think that human beings have an innate 'nature'.

It should be obvious to anyone that looks into history that human nature is conditioned by the environment in which humans operate. A couple of centuries ago it would have been unthinkable (literally) for someone to actually sell their labour and work for a wage.

Anarchism could work - nothing is impossible. Music won't change anything much though. Music is basically just expression - it can change things but usually only rarely and not very much.

Edit: thats not to say its not worth doing.
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Old 03.27.2007, 10:24 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by EvdWee
the american thoughts of liberty and democracy.

Dont you mean French thoughts?
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Old 03.27.2007, 12:25 PM   #25
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hehe, no. the last two presidents just keep talking about freedom and democracy in their speeches.

however, they probarbly got it from the french (trias politica)
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Old 03.27.2007, 12:26 PM   #26
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Hey leave Bill Clinton out of this.
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Old 03.27.2007, 12:27 PM   #27
atari 2600
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That was pretty funny (albeit unintentionally on your part), EvdWee.

I'd like to see a post on Pericles next for more laughs.
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Old 03.27.2007, 03:26 PM   #28
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anarchism usually worked ok until the goddamn commies sold them out i.e., Spain, Russia, Mexico)
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Old 03.27.2007, 03:27 PM   #29
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Commies are pathethic morons. Can't they get it through their heads.
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Old 03.27.2007, 06:57 PM   #30
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maybe if obama wins he will invite SY & friends to play at the inaugeration, and they could do a blasted cover of the entire set that fleetwood mac played at clinton's innaugeration...
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Old 03.27.2007, 07:21 PM   #31
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i don't like obama but it's not like we're going to get anyone better in there. he's just as fucked up and corrupt as every other politician underneath the facade.
i have to say, i really like the libertarian party's platform a whole lot, however their representatives are, again, just as bad as everyone else. i don't care what kind of argument you try to make, politicians are shysters.
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Old 03.27.2007, 07:39 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i don't like obama but it's not like we're going to get anyone better in there. he's just as fucked up and corrupt as every other politician underneath the facade.
i have to say, i really like the libertarian party's platform a whole lot, however their representatives are, again, just as bad as everyone else. i don't care what kind of argument you try to make, politicians are shysters.

A lot of the littler parties have superior policies. However, for them to get anywhere near actual government they would have to change those polices - they would basically end up as the Democratic or Republican Party mk. II. Thats why all politicians are shysters.

Power doesn't lie in politicians or political parties or even governments, power lies elsewhere in society, most notably in control of capital. Thats why social change can only happen outside of formal politics.
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Old 03.28.2007, 01:37 AM   #33
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so it goes.


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Old 03.28.2007, 09:09 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i have to say, i really like the libertarian party's platform a whole lot, however their representatives are, again, just as bad as everyone else. i don't care what kind of argument you try to make, politicians are shysters.

Libertarians are super right wingers without the racial insecurity...they think a free market will solve every problem...
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Old 03.28.2007, 04:29 PM   #35
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people are naturally drawn to having some sort of order so anarchy would never ever work with people maybe fishes but not people an the anarchy sign for punks is so fucking cliche
i'll ride off into the sunset of yr colour T.V.

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Old 03.28.2007, 04:45 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by something
people are naturally drawn to having some sort of order so anarchy would never ever work with people maybe fishes but not people an the anarchy sign for punks is so fucking cliche

wrong man, the universe thrives from chaos; every single form of mass order man has tried to establish (democracy, christianity, etc.) has been built on an attempt to try to cheat nature and instinct (force man into order by silencing the way of nature/universe/instinct/etc). of course, chaos in nature is always used to establish an order of things.

that said, anarchy doesn't mean chaos. anarchy as a political system means having a more prural, less centric government where there's a whole lot more liberties for individuals, the people who are "ruling" (as it is a council of people instead of a single person or representatives to a large number of citizens) do so by resolving conflicts between people instead of telling them what to do.

anarcho-punks are just commies with mohawks, they believe in a completely different system than real anarchy.
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