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Old 05.25.2006, 03:40 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I know more than a few people who smoked pot every day before school and got straight A's.
Put me on that list
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Old 05.25.2006, 03:40 PM   #22
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Drugs suck. Tell that to SuchFriends.
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Old 05.25.2006, 03:42 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Yeah, but a lot of people CAN control their recreational habits, but aren't believed by people who have been fed all kinds of skewed info and/or treatment rhetoric.
Tough situation.
Moderation is key with whatever.
All I was saying is that lots of people think drinking after work and on weekends with frequency is perfectly normal, but that pot is somehow worse. I will never buy that argument.

oh hell yes man i completely agree.

what i tried to clarify is the accidental blur between activities and addictions. smoking pot is not the same as being a pothead, playing cards is not the same as being a compulsive gambler, etc.

the problem of spectral's brother & sister is not that they smoke pot-- is that they are potheads. they're fucking themselves up. i guarantee you that if it wasn't for the pot, they would find something else to self-medicate.
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Old 05.25.2006, 03:50 PM   #24
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^Good point. I don't consider myself a "pothead" anymore.
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Old 05.25.2006, 04:49 PM   #25
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i know precisely what you mean. i had a friend when i was a kid who started when he was around 6th grade and is totally and completely different now than he was before he started. he was on the honor roll in elementary school, only to drop out of school in the 9th grade and finally, FINALLY get his ged about 3-4 years later. i dunno what he's doing right now, but not much -- i think he has a job now but he sat on his ass for years. i have another friend who stopped going to classes his first semester of college after about a week and ended up failing almost all his classes -- took him about 2 years to finish his 1st year of college, and he's just now starting to get back on track. just watching their brains get fried all to hell has convinced me never to try the stuff.
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Old 05.25.2006, 04:57 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by spectraljulianisnotdead
My sister's effort my sister has put into her art has gone down, and so has the quality.

& your excuse for the lack of effort you put into this sentence is what? "my sister...my sister..."

joshing aside, i know what you mean, at least about the artwork, that is. i noticed early on that my art was much better if i didn't smoke beforehand. i don't paint anymore because my life's work was destroyed in a fire reducing me to a mere shell of my former self, unfortunately. as for music though, the more fucked-up i am the better. when i am on harder drugs, the music pours out of me from places that are a mystery to me.
and pot wasn't a "gateway drug" for me at all. I first started smoking pot at age 13 in seventh grade, became a chronic daily smoker at age 20 or so, & I didn't even try cocaine until i was 27 years old after it being offered to me countless times in countless situations. I only took up that crutch after my heart was broken by a woman (not av) that turned out to be a typical female who only cared about herself & finding a bigger & better deal. I still love her though & no woman has measured up since. Before this young lady (initials LDC) I always went from one steady girlfriend (& relationships lasting at least 2 years each) to the next; after this woman, i've had like twenty girlfriends & the relationship never lasts very long at all. I try. believe me, i try. i'm no jealous guy. i listen. i care. they have all been users & losers.
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Old 05.25.2006, 05:04 PM   #27
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that wasn't written by me . . . that was by julian.
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Old 05.25.2006, 05:14 PM   #28
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stoner, pardon


my computer (the pc) got infected today. i wrote this article for a friend of mine in real estate & from going to all these real estate sites with their associated aggressive spyware to gather info, it became infected really badly & moves excrutiatingly slow.

i've got to get it fixed.

anyway, that's my excuse...it's extremely difficult for me to type or do anything at this moment. i'm on this one now to find some sort of free torrent app to hopefully fix it...future posts will be made from the mac.

here's the article: (i really talk up this hick town of 2,300)

Nestled between Trenton, NJ & metropolitan Philadelphia, historic Newtown offers the best of all possible worlds for the investor or homeowner. Home of the U.S. Law School Admissions council, every attorney in the country has heard of Newtown. The Historic Newtown Theatre, which recently celebrated its centennial anniversary, is one of the oldest operational picture houses in the country and matinees (remember those?) feature entertainment ranging from the latest blockbusters to classic cinema. In addition, there's always something for the recreationist as well from swimming to tennis to golf. Outdoor enthusiasts of Bucks County enjoy nearby Tohickon Family Campgrounds which features sixty-four acres of space, plentiful fishing lakes, and an impressive range of specially organized family activities every weekend.

M. Night Shyamalan's movie, Signs, was partially filmed in Newtown and provides a glimpse into the look and feel of historic downtown. A retail storefront at the corner of S. State Street and Penn Street was utilized for the Army Recruiting Office and The Book and Record Exchange shop is featured in another scene. The owner of Mom's pizza parlour proudly reports that at least one group of out-of-towners stop by every day because they've seen the eatery in the film.
Twenty-three bed and breakfasts located in and around town also keep tourism thriving.

The Newtown Historic Association helps maintain the integrity of the location's identity, educates about history, and provides economic tools for planners. The Association also features a special collection by one of America's foremost folk painters, Edward Hicks, whose wildlife paintings are known worldwide.
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Old 05.25.2006, 05:18 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
& your excuse for the lack of effort you put into this sentence is what? "my sister...my sister..."

Haha atari, I didn't even notice that, I should have grammar checked my post.

Anyways, they keep bitching about how they have no money and there is nothing to eat, so I'm ordering a pizza with my hard earned cash, and using the food in the fridge, making some alfredo to go along with it, then laugh at them for their laziness and lack of creativity when it comes to food in the house, all the meanwhile they will be starving as a result of the munchies. Muhahaha!
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Old 05.25.2006, 05:23 PM   #30
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i have no case for criticism anyway.
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Old 05.25.2006, 05:32 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I am going to get a lot of flak for this post, but I'm making it anyways.

I'm so sick of this.

My little brother and sister are potheads. They've also used several other drugs.
  • My sister's effort my sister has put into her art has gone down, and so has the quality.
  • My little brother and sister go on long walks, come back and make a mess in the kitchen
  • My little brother has no income and somehow manages money to buy pot
  • My mother has caught dealers trying to make a delivery to them
  • My little sister sold her prescription meds to a friend
  • That friend was kicked out of school and had to get a GED
  • My little brother got caught shoplifting a lighter
  • My little brother got a blackeye in a drug related fight
  • They have skipped out on family dinners where my older sister her husband and their baby visit to smoke pot instead.
  • They smoke pot in the morning
  • My sisters failing half of her high school classes
  • My little brother's asthma has been terrible, and he has missed a lot of school.
  • My little brother acts out in school and is constantly getting detentions and suspensions
  • All they seem to care about is smoking pot. They always ask when I am going to leave for work or when my mother is going to leave for work or when my mom is going to get back.
  • Most of the deaths in this area are directly related to drugs
Despite all this, they keep claiming marijuana does nothing and the strain in the relationship between them and my mom is all my mom's fault. My mom is fighting with them right now. Nothing has worked to resolve this issue. My little siblings have honestly turned into different people since they have started smoking pot.

a) maybe your sister's art was never any good to begin with, and pot has just brought that to the surface.
b) tell them to clean up the kitchen
c)dont try to analyze the mysteries of the cannabis economy, it can be a rubix cube of sorts sometimes.
d) whats wrong with siblings hanging out with siblings? if they left to smoke pot with their friends that would be one thing (which highschool kids do anyways pot or not), but to bond with other family? why the jealousy is what im wondering....
e) everybody who smokes pot smokes it in the morning. sundown is for serious shit like hard drugs, prayer, or eating steak!
f) you know you can graduate from most state Universities with up to a PhD having only a GED?
g) ALL kids are skip school, kids who smoke pot just skip it for different reasons. They are not skipping school because they smoke pot, they are skipping school because they dont like school. they just happen to be smoking pot because that is what they do.
h) pot doesn't kill people. meth kills people. alcohol kills people. pot gives people the munchies.

as far as your mother, your siblings should be more resepectful about things, but i'm sure they will continue to smoke pot, so at this point, rather then driving them away, you and your mom need to become more adaptive and accepting. work around the situation. you'll find that when you address the real issues (within family relationships, at school, etc) that are the problem, you will actually solve the problems.
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Old 05.25.2006, 05:37 PM   #32
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before we send naive children into a fog of weed with our bad advice, i would consider, atari ,and i hope you take no offense with this, that without pot perhaps a) your work would be touring museums all over the world and b) you would not engage in long arguments with trolls (this one a more serious one, hah). i do not know really if i'm just talking out of my ass here, and perhaps i am. i think you are smart enough to live by your wits in spite of the pot habit, however i ask (this is a rude question that i make only because the seriousness of the topic)-- are you living life to your full potential? because that is i think the matter at hand. notice im not talking about smoking pot hashish opium for whatever delicious experience (ah the experience), but to make it a chronic habit that undermines whatever talents a person might have. i apologize if i come across as a judgmental shithead, but truly, would you want kids here to emulate your marijuana habit under the assumption it wouldn't affect them? i had to say it. my apologies.
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Old 05.25.2006, 05:43 PM   #33
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i'm a consummate pothead & i was high school valedictorian & on the president's list throughout college. The provincial way that people demonize benign marijuana is a constant source of personal aggravation for myself. then again, i'm not sure if any of this applies to your sister's situation, because i seem to be cursed as always being the exception to the general rule(s).

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Old 05.25.2006, 05:47 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
i'm a consummate pothead & i was high school valedictorian & on the president's list throughout college. The provincial way that people demonize benign marijuana is a constant source of personal aggravation for myself. then again, i'm not sure if any of this applies to your sister's situation, because i seem to be cursed as always being the exception to the general rule(s).

Dude, maybe you started as a super-genius and pot has made you just a regular genius.
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Old 05.25.2006, 06:29 PM   #35
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!@#$%! and Noumenal, I love the teasing of Atari Maybe you were destined to be a prodigy Atari!

Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
a) maybe your sister's art was never any good to begin with, and pot has just brought that to the surface.
b) tell them to clean up the kitchen
c)dont try to analyze the mysteries of the cannabis economy, it can be a rubix cube of sorts sometimes.
d) whats wrong with siblings hanging out with siblings? if they left to smoke pot with their friends that would be one thing (which highschool kids do anyways pot or not), but to bond with other family? why the jealousy is what im wondering....
e) everybody who smokes pot smokes it in the morning. sundown is for serious shit like hard drugs, prayer, or eating steak!
f) you know you can graduate from most state Universities with up to a PhD having only a GED?
g) ALL kids are skip school, kids who smoke pot just skip it for different reasons. They are not skipping school because they smoke pot, they are skipping school because they dont like school. they just happen to be smoking pot because that is what they do.
h) pot doesn't kill people. meth kills people. alcohol kills people. pot gives people the munchies.

as far as your mother, your siblings should be more resepectful about things, but i'm sure they will continue to smoke pot, so at this point, rather then driving them away, you and your mom need to become more adaptive and accepting. work around the situation. you'll find that when you address the real issues (within family relationships, at school, etc) that are the problem, you will actually solve the problems.

How the fuck could pot bring out what a bad artist someone is? If someone's art is good when they were not doing pot and then it started sucking when they started doing pot, acid, shrooms, and the likes how would pot be bringing out the true them? That makes no sense at all to me.

I know all kids skip school. I skipped school, especially senior year. But there is a difference between skipping school and skipping a lot of school.

I'm not jealous of them. I wouldn't be OK with it if they invited me, I'd probably be more angry. And yes they bond over it, but it has hurt the relationship between them and the rest of the family. My older sister brought a new child into the family, and they would rather go smoke pot than visit it.

I'm not saying that pot kills people. Alcohol and meth don't kill people either, people being fucking stupid kills people. Two nice kids here did something really stupid--they were high walking home high at night and decided to lay down on the road. Guess what happened?

Involving yourself in the drug trade here, even if you are just buying pot means also being involved in the coke and heroin trade, because they are dealt by the same people. That might not be true where you live, but where I live, it is the norm. This area has several heroin/cocaine related deaths a year, and my little siblings are friends with users and dealers of both. A lot of people say that you don't get into doing drugs with your friends, but how many people who have all straight edge friends decide to go off and find a drug dealer and try out pot?

My little siblings also think it is perfectly ok to do LSD, which can cause serious brain damage.

I have failed to mention that a lot of pot around here is laced with other shit too, as is LSD around here.

I've also failed to mention that my Dad has back and stomach problems and medications for both and that he HAS TO hide his prescriptions.
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Old 05.25.2006, 06:46 PM   #36
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I really just hate the whole mindframe. If someone is acting wierd, they must be high. Every song is about drugs to them.

Here is a musical conversation I bumped into the other day (listening to the Why Don't We Do It in the Road? from the White Album)
Augie (my brother): (Beavis laugh) hey josie, you know this song is about drugs?
Josie: oh cool
Me: No, it's about wanting to fuck in the street. I'm pretty sure it says something about that in the Anthology.
Augie: Oh.

Augie used to play guitar. He doesn't anymore. He used to write fiction. He doesn't anymore. All he cares to spend his money on now is drugs and drug related accessories and it is all he talks about.
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Old 05.25.2006, 06:59 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by noumenal
Dude, maybe you started as a super-genius and pot has made you just a regular genius.

I'd say that's extremely accurate. It'll probably come of like a big cop-out, but in my own defense, life was too painful for me not to self-medicate.
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Old 05.25.2006, 07:05 PM   #38
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I don't like weed. I don't like pot heads. I don't like people whining on about the 'benefits' of weed. I don't like the 'alcohols the biggest drug...' blah blah argument.

Weed is a drug. We all have drugs. We all have our preferred drugs. Lets not pit them against each other, because drunks and cokeheads win by force of shouting.

I like people who are unapologetic about their drug intake. I like people who don't feel the need to make excuses. I like people who realise that drinking is a lot more social than sitting around listening to bad psychedelic records (ie weed and booze are not opposed). I like booze, but don't expect other people to. I like most drugs, but I can't stand weed. Choice is the operative word, I don't care what people do, so long as both parties have the choice, it's a-ok with me.

I am a little drunk as I type though.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 05.25.2006, 07:25 PM   #39
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My little brother and sister are also friends with people who have done/tried coke and heroin. They've also said that "nobody gets addicted to heroin on their first or second try."

what they say is absolutely true. both are very addictive but you work yrself up to the physical addiction. some people can actually do both of those every now and then and be completely fine but when you start to do it on a consistant basis thats when the trouble starts. i know what im talking about.
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Old 05.25.2006, 07:29 PM   #40
finding nobody
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finding nobody kicks all y'all's assesfinding nobody kicks all y'all's assesfinding nobody kicks all y'all's assesfinding nobody kicks all y'all's assesfinding nobody kicks all y'all's assesfinding nobody kicks all y'all's assesfinding nobody kicks all y'all's assesfinding nobody kicks all y'all's assesfinding nobody kicks all y'all's assesfinding nobody kicks all y'all's assesfinding nobody kicks all y'all's asses
i will never go out of my way to get any drug. that's a promise i made to myself
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