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Old 10.06.2009, 01:59 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Lurker
This is actually an interesting thread. Sorry for derailing it!

I know.. the controversy with AIDS spending in Africa is at many levels..

today in Africa WHO statistics are often grossly inflated to receive or prioritize AIDS medication funding. this creates an inbalance as demonstrated by the article in Uganda. However this is only a manifestation of a bigger problem with AIDS taking to high a priority in Africa today.
On a fundamental level, AIDS medication in particular has received to high a focus and priority over more basic requirements such as water sanitation, food production and distribution of more conventional medicine and medical attention. For example, many many diseases kill and afflict many many africans, it is estimated that preventable diseases are the single largest contributor to underdevelopment and underproduction in Africa by crippling the labor force with delibitating diseases. If these diseases were treated properly, Africa could develop beyond its problems and be in a proper position to tackle AIDS/HIV.
Further, even for those who have AIDS, what is more important clean water or AIDS medication? From AIDS you die from OTHER diseases, so technically speaking, the most effective way to save peoples lives from AIDS is to deal with the other preventable diseases which ACTUALLY kill even those with AIDS. People with AIDS need clean water, food and medical care MORE SO than anyone, and MORE SO than they need specific AIDS medicine. What good is AIDS medicine if the water your drink is full of disease or parasites? What good is AIDS medicine if you have nothing to eat? What good is AIDS medicine if you die from malaria or yellow fever or meningitis or one of the other 300 odd preventable diseases which kill in Africa today? AIDS is blown well out of proportion considering the SPECIFIC AND IMMEDIATE NEEDS in Africa as we speak.
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Old 10.06.2009, 08:00 PM   #22
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Not sure if you said this...I imagine the reason is that the people funding the research etc aren't doing it for Africans but rather to help prevent Aids becoming a problem in their/western countries.
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Old 10.06.2009, 09:27 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Lurker
Not sure if you said this...I imagine the reason is that the people funding the research etc aren't doing it for Africans but rather to help prevent Aids becoming a problem in their/western countries.

true, but there is a HUGE amount of international pressure and funding in Africa on AIDS.. it is highly prioritized, often-times above more pressing or easily solved problems. It is a better investment to build water and medical infrastructure FIRST, then use such networks to distribute AIDS medicine to an over-all healthier population.. but the Bonos of the world pump pump pump the AIDS crisis it deafens the other issues.
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Old 10.07.2009, 03:16 AM   #24
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Yeah true. I just think that maybe all the funding isn't necessarily entirely altruistic.
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Old 10.07.2009, 03:17 AM   #25
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The more research done the sooner we'll find a cure. Fuck it if people in Africa are or not helped by it - I think that is the hidden attitude in much of this.
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Old 10.07.2009, 10:35 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Lurker
The more research done the sooner we'll find a cure. Fuck it if people in Africa are or not helped by it - I think that is the hidden attitude in much of this.

true, how terrifyingly true

personally, science theorizes that 10% of ALL humans are entirely immune to all viruses. I believe that the system has an agenda to let all the other folks die off and the survivors from the ten-percenters become the new race of heroes.. nazism revived! Why else do police dogs speak german?
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Old 10.07.2009, 12:15 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
true, how terrifyingly true

personally, science theorizes that 10% of ALL humans are entirely immune to all viruses. I believe that the system has an agenda to let all the other folks die off and the survivors from the ten-percenters become the new race of heroes.. nazism revived! Why else do police dogs speak german?

It's only nazism revived if the ten-percenters are all Aryan. What if they were all black. Would that be marxism revived?
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Old 10.07.2009, 12:28 PM   #28
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marcus garvey's wet dream!

I bet those 10% wil be Puerto Ricans.

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Old 10.07.2009, 02:04 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
marcus garvey's wet dream!

I bet those 10% wil be Puerto Ricans.


I see, you like Glice, have misinterpreted Garvey and Rastafari concept of Black Supremacy. It is not to be mistaken as similar to white supremacy. Black Supremacy does not teach the blacks are superior to whites or all other people and races as white supremacy does. Garvey and the UNIA is not a KKK for blacks to hate whites..

It is the concept of black power and supremacy in black places such as Africa, the South, or the Caribean, where white supremacy, racism and colonialism have and continue to disenfranchise and even brutalize black peoples. When Rastaman say, "Black Supremacy" they do not imply automatic inferiority of others, as in White supremacy.

So Garvey's paradise is not a world of only black folks, but rather a world where black folks control what is theirs, Africa for the Africans as he said.
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Old 10.07.2009, 02:06 PM   #30
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What was the philosophy of The Black Panthers?
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Old 10.07.2009, 02:15 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
What was the philosophy of The Black Panthers?

Black power and community activism. Much like the UNIA the Panthers ran afterschool programs, neighborhood clean up/watch groups, soup kitchens, food banks, loan and financing for the poor, and especially the development of black-owned and operated businesses, exactly as Garvey's UNIA had achieved 40 years previous, and exactly like the UNIA was shut down PERSONALLY by Hoover and the FBI.. Both Garvey's UNIA and The Panthers were of the greatest social movements to arise in American history, had they not been infiltrated, set up and destroyed, they would be as important in American history as the Founding Fathers or the Sons of Liberty..
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Old 10.08.2009, 01:23 AM   #32
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...and hiding tim leary!!
how were they set up?
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Old 10.08.2009, 09:41 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by sonicpixie
...and hiding tim leary!!
how were they set up?

CIA agents were selling heroin through neighborhood crews like Avalon and Pirus who would in 1971 become the bloods and Main Street who became the Crips. The CIA was using these neighborhoods to sell heroin from Vietnam since that late 1950s. In the late 1960s the Black Panthers were especially active in South Los Angeles, Watts and Compton, and so the gang and drug dealing activity went into significant decline. The CIA upped their game, sent more cadres in and initiated a surge in drug dealing by flooding the streets. They instigated gang violence through assassinations, rumors and set ups. They supplied the dope, the guns and the rumors, the Crips and Bloods started the rivalries. The Crips started as a result of the little brothers and homies of the former Panthers who had by 1971 either been arrested or assassinated. Marcus Garvey and the UNIA were set up by Hoover personally through three cadres we call Bag-o-Wire who sabotaged Garvey's business and stock efforts and eventually set him up for mail fraud and sent him to prison and deported him. Then more cadres infilitrated the UNIA neighborhoods and forced the decline of UNIA business and organization.. black power has always been a threat the the US. Why do you think Obama sold out Henry Louis Gates Jr and now even Jimmy Carter!
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