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View Poll Results: Yr Favorite way to listen to recordings
Compact Disc 23 48.94%
Cassette 6 12.77%
Phonograph 18 38.30%
Reel to Reel/ 8 track 0 0%
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Old 03.28.2006, 12:09 AM   #21
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vinyl is so god damn inconvenient. it's like owning a piece of art you have to keep in a closet 95 perecent of the time. the greatest purpose of music i purcahse is to be listened to while i drive and so is completely worthless to me. i did buy bloc party and tv on the radio on vinyl though just because i had a large amount of disposable income and i thought it'd be fun. i regret it now
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Old 03.28.2006, 12:16 AM   #22
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yeah, when i get the vinyl, i usually download and burn the album on cd.

if it's something i'm a fan of, i try to make the effort of raising money to buy it in as many formats i can
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Old 03.28.2006, 04:18 AM   #23
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Compact disc. It took over for a good reason: it's better.

I do still enjoy listening to vinyl, but it's always vinyl that I can't get on CD, stuff from my teens and eadly twenties mainly. I still buy the odd bit of vinyl, but even that is old stuff (got The Fall's 'Seminal Live' and 'Hit The North' picture disc' recently.

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Old 03.28.2006, 04:19 AM   #24
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Surprised not to see computer or mp3 player on the list, by the way. I listen to alot of streamed music too.

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Old 03.28.2006, 04:22 AM   #25
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vinyl all the way
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Old 03.28.2006, 07:30 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Hip Priest
Surprised not to see computer or mp3 player on the list, by the way. I listen to alot of streamed music too.

yeah, when I made the list, it completely slipped my mind to include mp3 players/computers. I think part of that reason is, technically they(mp3 players) may be the best(holds a ton of music, small, carry it anywhere, listen to it anywhere)but, you don't sit at home at yr table drinking a good ale and listen to yr ipod do you? Most probably don't I'd say, and if you do, sorry if I offended you, but the question is what's is yr favorite, what do you like more than the others just for listening enjoyment not practicality.
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Old 03.28.2006, 07:36 AM   #27
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I'm surprised that vinyl isn't the runaway winner. The thing I find with tapes and CD's (and I'm not even going to pretend Mp3 is a real thing) is that they tend to fuck up quicker - I take good care of my vinyl, because it's larger and more noticable. CD's get buggered a lot quicker, because they're just a bit rubbish. Tapes I would love to keep in pristine condition, but unfortunately, they do have a habit of getting horribly buggered on a whim. Bastards.
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 03.28.2006, 08:08 AM   #28
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In retrospect, I think if I included mp3 players, then a lot would have voted for them and chosen to remain anonymous, which is something I always had trouble with on the board. It seems the elitist, high horse attitude by some members pushes away the free unhindered post of some newer people. Thus inturn perpetuating a cycle of "you must qualify to be a SY fan or a real person", I understand you old schoolers that have seen a lot more than us mid 20 something yr olds, but as I always told people about this board: The greatest thing about this board is the really cool people that are fans and have great taste and the worst thing about this board are the complete assholes that think they are better fans because they have great taste.
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Old 03.28.2006, 09:16 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Hip Priest
Compact disc. It took over for a good reason: it's better.

It took over because it's more convenient and because the profit margin is ridiculous compared to the costs of producing vinyl.
Unless by "better" you mean less permanent and offering a lesser range of sound than vinyl....

MP3s are cool for research and for listening to while riding a bike and things like that, but they sound like crap compared to even CDs. I will not pay for an MP3 "release," because I will not view this as an equal product. Sound is inferior; I cannot see this as a "finished product." Great for finding out about new stuff though.
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Old 03.28.2006, 09:21 AM   #30
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as much as cd's and whatnot are very portable and convinient, vinyl just sounds better. its a shame that its not as easy to find. but maybe that would take some of the enjoyment out of it?
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Old 03.28.2006, 09:28 AM   #31
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I just think there a lots of things about CD thatare better than vinyl or cassette: not getting scratches, not jumping, no needle replacement, great sound, track selection, holds more info, less space, etc. And I speak as someone who stuck wit hvinyl for some years. The profit margin is obscene though, agreed.

There's things I love about vinyl too, of course, but if I'm honest I hink they come from a sense of nostalgia and a kind of semi-self satisfaction abour t having rare stuff in my collection.

So CD's are my favourite.

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Old 03.28.2006, 09:30 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by RdTv
In retrospect, I think if I included mp3 players, then a lot would have voted for them and chosen to remain anonymous, which is something I always had trouble with on the board. It seems the elitist, high horse attitude by some members pushes away the free unhindered post of some newer people. Thus inturn perpetuating a cycle of "you must qualify to be a SY fan or a real person", I understand you old schoolers that have seen a lot more than us mid 20 something yr olds, but as I always told people about this board: The greatest thing about this board is the really cool people that are fans and have great taste and the worst thing about this board are the complete assholes that think they are better fans because they have great taste.

Fair enough. I wasn't criticising your poll, you can do what you like with it! Good reason, too. I haven't really got into mp3 stuff yet, although I do like using the pc for listening to stuff online.

Your right about snobbish attitudes too - although there hasn't been much in evidence on this board yet.

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Old 03.28.2006, 09:38 AM   #33
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Hip Priest, I wasn't trying to get on you or anything like that, and I wasn;t implying that you were ctisizing my poll, I just wanted to differenciate between the best and yr favourite, thats all. no worries
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Old 03.28.2006, 09:40 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by RdTv
The greatest thing about this board is the really cool people that are fans and have great taste and the worst thing about this board are the complete assholes that think they are better fans because they have great taste. __________________
There are only two types of music: good music and bad music.------Charlie Parker

That looks a bit silly to me.... I love vinyl though. Drop the needle crank the speakers and wait for side two. Woohoo.
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Old 03.28.2006, 10:21 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by noumenal
I hate all of the media. I can't stand their left-wing bias. I vote for talk-radio, which isn't the media because it's, like, opinions and stuff.


Tough call. For pure listening enjoyment, I'd have to say vinyl. But as far as portability and convenience goes, I've got to hand it to mp3s - I spend an obscene amount of time in my car, hence this is where I listen to music most often. They're more convenient and organized than shuffling cds around your car, if you've got one of those iPod adapters.

I know mp3 players are looked down upon, and I would agree to an extent that they do compromise some audio quality, but for what they offer in adaptability and convenience, I think they deserve some credit. I am away from my turntable far more than I'm near it, and I would rather have my music at hand than not. You can carry around your entire library with you wherever you go, and with that Itrip, if you haven't got an adapter, you can broadcast your own tunes over a radio frequency. So, while for pure aural appreciation, I vote vinyl, mp3 players aren't all that bad.
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Old 03.28.2006, 01:02 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
Good quality, portable, burnable. Whats not to love?

Exactly. I spend the majority of my day either working or driving. So needing it to be portable is the main thing for me really. Although vinyl does have it's advantages while listening at home.
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Old 03.28.2006, 01:23 PM   #37
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I voted Vinyl. If I am at home, and I do most of my music listening at home, I play records. I wake up, put a record on, and rock, then head out the door. I get home, put a record on, then rock all night long. I love vinyl, I am older, so I grew up with vinyl, and the pictures, plus I love when they throw in extra shit in the vinyl releases, like a poster (eric's trip Forever Again has an awesome poster) or a 7" single (drive like jehu yank crime coems with 3 extra songs)

CD's are good for when you want to listen in the car. My CD player is busted so I bought a bunch of cassettes at half price books (I still own like 400 cassettes at least BTW, most from buying them used at sound exchange between 1988-1993)
I got
eric b & Rakim "paid in full"
Metallica "ride the lightning"
Michjael Jackson "thriller"
Clash "combat rock"
REM "crhonic Town EP"

I love to blast my old 120 minute mix tapes, like 2 hours of polvo, or two hours of pavement opr two hours of archers of loaf.

those 120 minute cassettes were fucking AWESOME

I hate CD's though, because they scratch easier than anything. they scratch faster than vinyl! You can;t even wipe them down with a fucking napkin!!!! what a bullshit deal.
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Old 03.28.2006, 02:57 PM   #38
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I think there are pros and cons to every media. I own every kind on that poll.

Vinyl is excellent for sitting around at home and listening to with headphones. It sounds better, and I think the whole experience of allowing the album to be broken up with sort of an intermission gives the listener the feeling of allowing themselves a break before going back on the trip.

Cds are really good for road trips and driving around. They're cool for walking and portability too. They have good sound quality too, sometimes. Sometimes it can just sound like shit though.

Tapes are cool for just having around and making mixes, and then after you play them for a while you get that same warm sound of having the tape being played OVER AND OVER again right before you have to dub another copy.

I own an mp3 player, and it's cool for road trips or walks, or when I'm working at my job and I can listen to Neutral Milk Hotel, Blackalicious, My Bloody Valentine, Wilco and Interpol all in the same day. It's awesome for portability. It made the three-ring-binder full of CDs I use that use to take up a backpack fit in the palm of my hand.

They all have their pros and cons. As it can be used to play good music at a good sound quality, I have no problems with it.
I don't want to push it.
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Old 07.16.2006, 12:36 AM   #39
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actually, I do have to say cassette. something about them seem undestructable. even though, through my own experiences, they obviously are not.
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Old 07.16.2006, 12:50 AM   #40
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