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Reload this Page Okay, so what asshole took MarkIbold@gmail.com?
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Old 10.17.2006, 09:32 PM   #21
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MArk Ibold is my favorite, hes so cute and mark iboldy and bassy playerly.
registered: 6/12/2004 00:00 Im a church kicking bitch
posts: 2089 1337, were gangsters
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Old 10.18.2006, 03:13 PM   #22
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Throw yourself down the stairs as that might give you some ideas for a better name.Go on,do it.

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Old 10.18.2006, 03:27 PM   #23
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if that really is mark ibold....he needs to get a life and stop worrying about such petty things.....besides, having an email address with your name in it usually isnt a good idea....i would think a former member of pavement would be more original
the nerve, the unmitigated gall of this asshole - atari2600

i consider you dumb, ignorant, and irrelevant
perhaps more than a fly, but less than a fart. a joke - !@#$%!

Death by a firing squard of ten black gay men would be too good for this shithead. - atari2600

loser retard. pothead - !@#$%!

you're a real prick for acting so daft & being so disagreeable on purpose - atari2600

On the contrary, tesla69 is idiota numero uno - atari2600
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Old 10.18.2006, 03:28 PM   #24
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I would not.

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Old 10.18.2006, 03:36 PM   #25
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!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by Mark Ibold
Every American—indeed, every human being, regardless of nationality deserves to be rightfully and accurately represented on the World Wide Web—the communication gateway into the next century and beyond—without having to resort to nonsensical aliases with random strings of numbers tacked onto the end. In an era of global wireless technology, our very identities are at stake. It's highly unethical at best, criminal at worst, for others to wantonly abscond with them.

If only, asshole, you could have seen the anger and revulsion that washed over my face as I found that MarkIbold@gmail.com, Ibold@gmail.com, Ibold.Mark@gmail.com, and MarkIboldRules@gmail.com had all been taken. If only you could have felt my heart leap to my throat upon realizing that Markibold@gmail.com would not work either, as Gmail addresses are not case-senstitive. If only you could have heard my cry of anguish when, in a last, desperate move, I typed in crookedrain@gmail.com, only to be rejected once more and finally forced to accept the abomination that is Mark.Ibold20061@gmail.com.

Please, whoever you are, come forward. I will not ask you to relinquish the email adress, or even hand it over. I just need peace of mind.

ha ha, this is too funny. as for the "deserving" and such-- unfortunately life's a bitch, and the web is "first-come first-served".

anyway a look at public records shows a few mark ibolds are "americans" deservng of their names. there might be more in other english-speaking countries.


i would try calling them up on the phone & demanding they renounce their identity on your behalf.

my suggestion: go spend $10 at goddaddy and buy yourself the markibold.com domain. that will give you access to such email addresses as mark@markibold.com, theoneandonly@markibold.com, and nobodybutmegoddammit@markibold.com -- run, and do it before one of these board pranksters gains the upper hand & tries to resell it to you for millions...
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Old 10.18.2006, 03:38 PM   #26
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Don't be such a showboat. You're quite obviously doing this just to solicit fanmail.

For fifty bucks and a case of Mad Dog (lime, preferably), I'll start your fansite. I will, however, need the occasional nude photo to post, simply to keep the visitors' interest piqued. But only if you're well groomed. No one likes woolly bass players.
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Old 10.18.2006, 03:41 PM   #27
Пятхъдесят Шест
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Originally Posted by truncated
Don't be such a showboat. You're quite obviously doing this just to solicit fanmail.

For fifty bucks and a case of Mad Dog (lime, preferably), I'll start your fansite. I will, however, need the occasional nude photo to post, simply to keep the visitors' interest piqued. But only if you're well groomed. No one likes woolly bass players.


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Old 10.18.2006, 03:42 PM   #28
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Show me a picture of the netherregions, and then we'll talk.

(Sidenote: this is no comment on my personal body hair preference. I prefer to keep that private, true to my characteristic prudence.)
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Old 10.18.2006, 03:44 PM   #29
Savage Clone
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Originally Posted by truncated
(true to my characteristic prudence.)

Are you OK?
What have you done with truncated?
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Old 10.18.2006, 03:44 PM   #30
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You can bet on there being ten times more hair down there.

Show me yours, and I'll show you mine.
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Old 10.18.2006, 03:55 PM   #31
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i love how this thread became all about pubes now
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Old 10.18.2006, 05:00 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by silverfreepress (sdasher)
Same thing happened to my man Sean Penn

cursor, click here

Does that mean Mark Ibold is a fake Mark Ibold. Shocking.


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Old 10.18.2006, 09:27 PM   #33
hey alex
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Originally Posted by whorefrost
did it ever occur to you that there is more than one Mark Ibold on the planet?
yes, but why would that other mark ibold need an email address?

and this is just funny.
Duran Duran's 1995 covers album Thank You was recently voted the worst album of all time by a Q magazine poll. Although we respectfully disagree (Sonic Youth's NYC Ghosts & Flowers is clearly the worst album of all time) -Pitchfork (hahahah!)

Here's a myspace of my music and 4-track ramblings
the electric kites--the jamz of me n my friends
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