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Old 08.02.2013, 12:16 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by tesla69
This is what the Founding Fathers said about whistleblowers: "[i]t is the duty of all persons in the service of the United States, as well as all other the inhabitants thereof, to give the earliest information to Congress or other proper authority of any misconduct, frauds or misdemeanors committed by any officers or persons in the service of these states, which may come to their knowledge,” said the bill, resolved on July 30, 1778."

Interesting, no mention of WikiLeaks there
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Old 08.02.2013, 01:07 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Interesting, no mention of WikiLeaks there

well, it does say "or other proper authority"...:-)
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Old 08.02.2013, 01:12 PM   #23
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Sleazeballs like Assange hardly fall into that category.

Look. I may have been harsh on Manning, and for that I apologize. My criticism more fairly rests on Assange and WikiLeaks for the terrible way in which they handled this whole mess. Manning was probably just naive, upset, and hapless. He should have leaked the information somewhere else, but damn it, Millenials trust the interweb like it was Gospel, so its no surprise he went with WikiLeaks. It seems in hind-sight that was a major mistake. When the Pentagon Papers were leaked, major newspapers used all their legal clout to protect the sources, and it had to go all the way to the Supreme Court. Assange and WikiLeaks offered no such sanctuary or safe harbor for Manning, or Snowden for that matter, so I think they are in the wrong here, and are guilty of exploiting these young mens' naivete..
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Old 08.02.2013, 01:14 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Sleazeballs like Assange hardly fall into that category.

Look. I may have been harsh on Manning, and for that I apologize. My criticism more fairly rests on Assange and WikiLeaks for the terrible way in which they handled this whole mess. Manning was probably just naive, upset, and hapless. He should have leaked the information somewhere else, but damn it, Millenials trust the interweb like it was Gospel, so its no surprise he went with WikiLeaks. It seems in hind-sight that was a major mistake. When the Pentagon Papers were leaked, major newspapers used all their legal clout to protect the sources, and it had to go all the way to the Supreme Court. Assange and WikiLeaks offered no such sanctuary or safe harbor for Manning, or Snowden for that matter, so I think they are in the wrong here, and are guilty of exploiting these young mens' naivete..

Absolutely 100% factually incorrect backtracking moronic bullshit.
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Old 08.02.2013, 01:16 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
Absolutely 100% factually incorrect backtracking moronic bullshit.

Eat a bag of dicks.

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Old 08.02.2013, 01:18 PM   #26
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you are making things up again, pulling them out of your fucking ass then posting them like they actually happened, unable to differentiate them from your opinions. so fuck you.
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Old 08.02.2013, 04:29 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
you are making things up again, pulling them out of your fucking ass then posting them like they actually happened, unable to differentiate them from your opinions. so fuck you.

You have YET to document that. SO YOU ARE PULLING ACCUSATIONS OUT OF YOUR ASS. Please, show me what I made up exactly? Notice, you haven't in three replies no less, and that is because you CAN'T, period. That being the case, either chill out, or eat a bag of dicks, and if eating a bag of dicks is your thing, do them both.
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Old 08.02.2013, 04:30 PM   #28
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Old 08.02.2013, 04:36 PM   #29
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this much i've learned on the internet


of course, like everything i've ever learned, i often forget it
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Old 08.02.2013, 04:37 PM   #30
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!@#$%!, you can call me an idiot all you'd like, but much like with dead_battery, you're avoiding the obvious part where you document with quotes what exactly I made up? Oh right, you can't either, so you result to empty shit talking. Besides, why don't just leave my replies alone if you don't like them so much, or wait, maybe this is like in the fifth grade and you're stalking me!

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Old 08.02.2013, 05:04 PM   #31
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you want me to quote you?

so you can, what, tell me what you really meant to say, or engage in more rhetorical flourishing and opinionating masquerading as fact? no thanks.

your specific lies are right there, in your post above. i already pointed one out. more are just sitting there, staring everyone right in the face. things you made up that did not actually happen, and which i already explained to you did not actually happen, which you ignored and just repeated. these were not opinions you heard from anywhere, these were things you just made up and claimed happened, which did not in fact oh-fucking-curr.

i really don't have to drag this out any longer explaining to you your own ridiculousness and cognitive closure. your mind has sealed itself shut around a few, bad, ideas and now you're just making shit up as you go along, using reality to fuel your own self aggrandizing narratives. its bullshit. i know on some level you know you're making shit up but i shouldnt have to hold your fucking hand. go read back those posts and burst into a rage at me over the worlds refusal to play along with your shit.


there are specific lies stated in your posts about these cases which you simply pulled out of your fucking ass, these aren't opinions or misinterpretations or assumptions based on reasonable deductions from possibly flawed evidence, these are simply things you said that happened which didnt because you use reality to fit your own self aggrandizing narrative which stinks to high fucking hell of your own farts you navel gazing grinning obliviously self satisfied wigger.
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Old 08.02.2013, 05:10 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
you want me to quote you?

Yeah, that'd be fine, but you can't, because you haven't yet.


your specific lies are right there, in your post above. i already pointed one out.

Actually, you didn't. Interesting.

i really don't have to drag this out any longer blah blah woof woof

No, what you mean to say, is really CAN'T draw this out any longer because you have nothing to point out which I just "made up" because in four replies now, you haven't even posted one!

these are simply things you said that happened which didnt because you use reality to fit your own self aggrandizing narrative which stinks to high fucking hell of your own farts you navel gazing grinning wigger.

Again, you've yet to document even one instance, and yet you've wasted at least 500 words or more shit-talking. So, either chill out, or eat a bag of dicks, and if that is your thing, fuck it, do both.
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Old 08.02.2013, 05:45 PM   #33
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you want to pretend that you CANT see them?

the parts of that you didnt quote where i said what you would do if i quoted them, go read those back again. the only person who could read your posts and not see the shit you made up would be someone who wasn't familiar with the basic facts of these cases. you have to rely on ignorance, because you are lying. i am not playing games with you anymore. if you really want to pretend that you've won and talk shit its no loss to me, what is a loss to yourself is the refusal to willfully distinguish between things that happened and things you just fucking made up.

like this:

Originally Posted by cannabisinducedschizophreniaisdangerous
Assange and WikiLeaks offered no such sanctuary or safe harbor for Manning, or Snowden for that matter, so I think they are in the wrong here, and are guilty of exploiting these young mens' naivete..

this is a lie which you made up, and which i already pointed out was a lie on the last page.


manning submitted the cables to wikileaks, there is no evidence he ever corresponded with assange. he corresponded anonymously with someone from wikileaks. he submitted the cables to wikileaks of his own independent volition, like thousands of people have done who wanted to ANONYMOUSLY expose the secrets of those too powerful to risk being persecuted by. he contacted them first.

wikileaks never offered 'sanctuary' to anyone. what they offered was a place to anonymously submit information, where it could be published to the world without your identity ever being leaked to it. that's all they ever did and they never claimed to do anything else. manning knew that when he submitted it to them. wikileaks had almost nothing to do with manning, except for campaigning on his behalf and raising funds and awareness after his prosecution started. they had successfully protected his anonymity, unlike your bs lie that they didn't, and he was caught because the one person he told decided to tell the government.

wikileaks had nothing to do with snowden, although you just said they did, which is yet more proof that you are a shit talking idiot making crap up. you do not in fact even know what wikileaks is.

more lies:

Originally Posted by muchbongsaredangerous
Manning leaked his material directly to Assange, and Assange sold him out.
assange did not sell him out, that is a lie you made up. there is zero evidence that manning and assange ever talked. manning did not leak his material directly to assange.

and more lies:

Originally Posted by dutchcoffeeshopsarehazardous
Especially the way Assange whored out the leaks. Again, where were the lawyers? The legal preparation? Assange should have arranged that, but he didn't, he only looked out for himself when he didn't get the fame and money he predicted.

another set of lies!

now lets take a break from the lies, and show some mere ignorant stupid fucking shit:

Originally Posted by touchmongswithspliffsalot
Again, if those leaks were so anonymous why is Assange so well-known and how did Manning get arrested?

he got arrested because a fellow hacker he spoke with on IM and trusted enough to spill his secret to ratted him out to the authorities.

here's more bullshit, where you know so little about the case you accuse people of not doing things they in fact, actually, did:

Originally Posted by gauchemongsstonedcontinuous
Again, you want to leak? Go through LAWYERS, and also LEGITIMATE NEWS MEDIA who are in a better position to protect you.

ok - so i admit it, this one might not be a lie, and might just be factually incorrect due to your fucking ignorance, but you still decided to make this shit up without even knowing if it happened or not.

oh but lets not get sidetracked - here's another lie!

Originally Posted by touchbongstoomucherous
I love the hubris behind Manning and Snowden. These guys wanted to be the next Deep Throat, but instead of going throw lawyers, legislators, and legitimate news media...

as i already said, and as you either didn't know because you don't even know the most rudimentary details of these cases, or do and just made up anyway, neither snowden or manning went through assange. snowden leaked to glenn greenwald at the guardian. manning leaked to wikileaks, which, as you dont know, has more than one employee. wikileaks coordinated the release of these cables with the guardian and nyt, simply posting them on a torrent site would have just resulted in a US gov clampdown and censorship, but would have been underground and hip enough for you to safely ignore like you wanted to.

im getting tired now:

Originally Posted by someganjamakedonglimpalot
When I hear these dudes talking about "civic duty to protect democratic process" as a bunch of shit. Dudes thought they'd get famous, now they did, but infamous instead.

lie - manning never intended to get famous or sought fame with his leaks.

sigh, i really didnt want to do that, but i couldnt help myself, which is pathetic. so now what to do you want to do? pretend you heard differently and thats why you said that shit, or that it was your opinion, or that you really meant to say something different, or it was just a rhetorical flourish or that- one of any number of bs excuses to avoid facing your lies.

i know all of this will go over your head but please at least heed this one bit of advice, when you have to resort to making shit up, the problem is not the world or other people, the problem is whatever bs heuristic you've developed to assuage your ego and reduce the world to something simple enough for you.
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Old 08.02.2013, 05:53 PM   #34
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now, because i was pathetic enough to respond when you asked, you are now going to write a post which ignore all the specific lies that i pointed out, and pretend they were opinions, then just reiterates them all over again, or tries to justify them as rhetorical flourishes. at least by dragging this stupidity out long enough you can hope that noone can be bothered to read any of this and it might look like you actually have a point.

so fuck you in advance for wasting my time you lying sack of hemp. im not responding to any more of your shit.
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Old 08.02.2013, 07:40 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
wikileaks never offered 'sanctuary' to anyone. what they offered was a place to anonymously submit information, where it could be published to the world without your identity ever being leaked to it. that's all they ever did and they never claimed to do anything else. manning knew that when he submitted it to them. wikileaks had almost nothing to do with manning, except for campaigning on his behalf and raising funds and awareness after his prosecution started. they had successfully protected his anonymity, unlike your bs lie that they didn't, and he was caught because the one person he told decided to tell the government.

Yes, but they should have. That is what legitimate news sources have done in the past for serious whistle blowers like this. WikiLeaks didn't protect their source, they pimped it for headlines to promote their website or their agenda or ulterior motive or whatever it might be. Assange went on all the morning shows giving interviews saying he would release more and more material unless the government did this or that. My point, initially and now, is that Manning should have went to legitimate people who would be able to help him. So Manning leaked all that material anonymously right? Well, it didn't work out that way did it, since Manning is jail and on trial right now.

wikileaks had nothing to do with snowden, although you just said they did, which is yet more proof that you are a shit talking idiot making crap up. you do not in fact even know what wikileaks is.

New York times headlines just yesterday reported that Wikileaks is contributing to Snowden's legal fees. How nice of them. Of course, WikiLeaks is NOT contributing to Manning's fees. Oh, how nice of them.

assange did not sell him out, that is a lie you made up. .

Yes, he did. He went on all the morning news shows, SEVERAL times repeatedly, plugging these Leaks as a kind of almost threat. Further, he established PayPal accounts to for "fundraising" and plugged those too.

ok - so i admit it, this one might not be a lie, and might just be factually incorrect due to your fucking ignorance, but you still decided to make this shit up without even knowing if it happened or not.

None of the news media reported being offered the leaks until Assange began promoting them. WikiLeaks was just posting them "anonymously" until Assange went on multi-national television appearances, plugging the leaks and releasing them in stages. If Manning had contacted a lawyer instead of just uploading the material to WikiLeaks himself, perhaps he would have been better advised. When the Pentagon Papers were leaked, those dudes went through attorneys because they realized they were breaking some serious laws, albeit for fantastically good reasons. If you recall, my initial post was lamenting at how foolish these whole leaks have been, its been reckless, has gotten a man facing life in prison (if he is lucky) and Assange is also facing big charges, and perhaps several other people we don't know about now that the hammer has come down.


i know all of this will go over your head but please at least heed this one bit of advice, when you have to resort to making shit up, the problem is not the world or other people, the problem is whatever bs heuristic you've developed to assuage your ego and reduce the world to something simple enough for you.

That's cute, is that what took you several hours to finally respond, to think of something clever to say?
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Old 08.03.2013, 06:27 PM   #36
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you did exactly what i said you would.

more lies aswell. more shit you just made up.

its clear you'd be happier if manning had just been executed and noone ever had to hear about it. its clear that you think he deserves his jail cell. you're sneering at him, subtly, but its still sneering.

please dont ever call ME right wing again

and i reiterate my call for you to realize you are making shit up and are a seriously ridiculous human being, a wigger, and just an all round embarrassment.
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Old 08.04.2013, 12:12 AM   #37
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Old 08.06.2013, 06:42 AM   #38
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Part truth/Part panopticon illusion, that's what I think about this story (PRISM).
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Old 08.06.2013, 10:10 AM   #39
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As all the news comes out about illegal govt spying and corruption between the nsa and dea, all of a sudden we are in the middle of a terror alert. What a coincidence. Cheney couldn't have done it any better.
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Old 08.06.2013, 10:11 AM   #40
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Rob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's asses
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