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Old 11.18.2015, 02:37 PM   #41
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Old 11.18.2015, 02:59 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

I hope all the idiots in the comments section of that get visited by the Secret Service for making death threats against a sitting President. One of those fools even volunteered to be on the firing squad.
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Old 11.18.2015, 02:59 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
what's a shocker is that someone here will post links to a racist website where commenters talk about executing obama, call his wife a baboon, offer to throw refugees into a wood chipper, etc.

well, not much of a shocker really... this place is fucked...
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Old 11.18.2015, 03:16 PM   #44
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I had not even read down to the comments as I usually don't care what others think......especially from idiots that posted such comments. If I had seen the comments, I would have just copy and pasted the story or looked for the story somewhere else.

Oh well, what many have been concerned about has happened and this is the true worry / story!
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Old 11.18.2015, 03:37 PM   #45
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Racism aside, if this story is true, it's worrisome. As soon as I read the piece, I had to do some light research.

Here's the original piece the blogger sources:


Anyone care to count the significant differences between the shoddy piece of local journalism and the even shoddier and flat-out irresponsible blog posting?

A charity named Catholic Charities helps Syrian refugees, among others.

From the real news article:

"WBRZ has learned Catholic Charities helped the refugee who settled in Baton Rouge, but said the immigrant left for another state after a couple of days, and they don't know where the refugee went since they don't track them."

You mean a charity doesn't monitor refugees? Impeach the prez.

Anyway, fucking UPDATE at the end of the real story:

Update Nov. 17 - Louisiana State Police told News 2 on Tuesday the refugee who briefly stayed in Baton Rouge left for Washington D. C.


And yet this fucking blog post has metastasized all over the net. Multiple places are copy-and-pasting this piece of shit. Argg!
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Old 11.18.2015, 04:13 PM   #46
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the good thing to come of this is increased cooperation between us anglo/euro/ru etc. to destroy isis which i think its fair to say is one of the worst movements in human history if not the very worst

daily stonings/crucifixions/murder, slavery etc. all based on a 7th century agricultural murder manual

its also important to recognize that they are actually doing these things right now. most of the west seems to willfully dissociated behind its own hyper-mediatized haze to recognize this and when it does its usually far right racists calling attention to it.

anyway, badiou wrote this about charlie hebdo and it applies to this latest one too

which is pretty good in that it goes further than the majority of left sentiment

but also makes the glaring gaps in this thinking obvious

because anti racism plus universalism is not a strategy capable of ending either war or jihadization

it doesn't do that much but allow the bourgeoisie of the arms dealing war waging countries to manage their own peace by dampening down the worst excesses of their own right wing dipshits

also badiou does the whole "these poor poor people we shouldnt offend all that they hold precious cos they clean our toilets, lets feel or project a little dose of guilt about that" which is condescending and exclusionary of those people. also he comes close to devaluing the staff of charlie hebdo almost as if they deserved it more than poor syrians might.

this is why im a nihilist.

also can i point out to some in this thread that one of the attackers was a syrian refugee

also, i even accept the argument of right wing racists when they say that enough 3rd world migration would cause collapse to our services/civilization because its true. and not just because these racists would do everything in their power to stop communities integrating.

altho if you read the more articulate among the far right they explicitly want to destroy western civ in the name of defeating some abstract definition of liberalism and some even explicitly promote anti immigrantion policies as a way of regressing us back to the 19th century nation state form and destroying modernity and quite literally making us retrain as basketweavers. like this is what they actually explicitly want to happen. thats their ideal.

its the far right of islam and of the 1st world that's teaming up against basic liberal values and the economy and peace they maintain, which is worrying. ideally we would just sit back and let these two fight each other and they mostly do but when they allign against liberalism its bad news.
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Old 11.18.2015, 04:26 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Isn't Washington, DC the city ISIS promised to hit next?

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Old 11.18.2015, 04:45 PM   #48
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USA govt. has a long history of deposing/overthrowing democratically elected, Leftist governments and replacing them with right wing dictators they think they can control. Pathetic.
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Old 11.18.2015, 04:46 PM   #49
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The sole anger is mine as I had typed a 20 line reply that vanished...

I've been isolated with colleagues for two days now. We haven't had time to go out. We share second hand stories (the subway being a non-crowded place, as SYRFox noted) and then have a laugh, as life goes on.
Going to the meeting place monday afternoon, I noted two kids (about 4 each) whose gaze was frozen.

So as I haven't crossed the path of that many strangers, I can't say if there's anger. That is, to answer your question, against foreigners that would look like your Syrian stereotype.
Among my friends, the anger I noted is directed at the government:
How come they don't attack the problem at one of its roots - money (who buys ISIS' petrol?)
How come they never did anything for Saint-Denis (a friend lives there, and lived in the very street this morning assault took place: the block is ruled by drug dealers; there's a school for young children, among which my friend's daughter, where it seemed impossible to have a teacher - the daughter's had more than 8 different teachers quitting one after the other this year when pupils her age only have one the whole year through... Neighbours wrote the minister that drug deals were there. No police was ever sent on a permanent basis. And today, the building that was raided was one ruled by drug dealers.

I've got to go to bed now, hope this has been fluent enough (I'm tired and don't wanna correct anything).
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Old 11.18.2015, 04:48 PM   #50
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Screw it, the time to type the previous message, there had been 3 new ones...
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Old 11.18.2015, 04:53 PM   #51
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Yes, and my friends ask themselves why the French media doesn't shed more light on acts of that kind when they happen in, say, Lebanon and black Africa (Boko Haram slaughtering hundreds and hundreds one people).
Kind of: support us, whoever you are, we'll only support those who look like us.
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Old 11.18.2015, 08:27 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Bertrand
Yes, and my friends ask themselves why the French media doesn't shed more light on acts of that kind when they happen in, say, Lebanon and black Africa (Boko Haram slaughtering hundreds and hundreds one people).
Kind of: support us, whoever you are, we'll only support those who look like us.

It's true that the outrages of Boko Haram get brief attention. You think; "That's awful but, better there than here". I'm sure the slaughter in Paris got a similar treatment in Nigeria; "That's awful but, better there than here".

People are pretty much the same no matter where you go. There's always some relief when the bad stuff doesn't happen to them. So no need to pay much attention to it.
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Old 11.19.2015, 07:00 AM   #53
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In case you missed it:


Baton Rouge received one Syrian refugee over the summer, a man Catholic Charities helped for a few days before he left to meet family in another state.

Catholic Charities said Tuesday the man is the only Syrian refugee they have helped recently, and Louisiana State Police confirmed he had left Baton Rouge for Washington, D.C.

But the news of that one man set off a flood of phone calls Tuesday to the organization, especially misinformation that made some people believe the man had gone missing, Catholic Charities Executive Director David Aguillard said.

One caller even made several threats while on the phone with Catholic Charities, especially against Syrian refugees. State Police said they are investigating the threats and take them seriously.
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Old 11.19.2015, 02:18 PM   #54
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House passes bill blocking Syrian, Iraqi refugees from US unless approved by national security officials.
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Old 11.19.2015, 03:03 PM   #55
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Sick people pontificating and making this some kind of pissing contest. NO ONE is more against Eurocentrism than me BUT this is embarrassing.. some people have their heads so far up their self righteous ass that its disgusting. I never thought I'd be so disappointed about people advocating about Africa or Middle East except for in this context..
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Old 11.19.2015, 04:30 PM   #56
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Old 11.20.2015, 05:38 AM   #57
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I don't get it.
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Old 11.20.2015, 04:19 PM   #58
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Every one on social media is saying, "oh why should we care so much about Paris? Why not all the other bombings and attacks that happen?" And some have even took the opportunity in poor taste to say, "oh France deserved it because of their colonial history."

Its not a pissing contest, its not an either/or thing. And what happened in Paris is fucked up and deserves the attention.
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Old 11.20.2015, 04:38 PM   #59
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what happened in Paris (full of wealthy white folks) has been happening for years in beirut, lebanon, Israel, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, etc etc etc, but since all those other countries are full of poor "brown" people, they merit no sympathy or mention in amerikkka's media circus.

THAT is what pisses people off about the over-the-top coverage of the Paris attacks.
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Old 11.20.2015, 05:22 PM   #60
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