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Old 05.22.2007, 03:48 PM   #41
the end of the ugly
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Yeah, it's so annoying when you're just getting to the point with them, you've both spent 5-10 minutes getting there, you feel that they will give you what you need to hear any second now and then they go and spoil it by saying something completely random, like, "and how are you today mr carter"
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Old 05.22.2007, 03:57 PM   #42
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Hell at my company the tax department (US) has been outsourced to India.

But they're having a hard time finding employess there now - the young Indians all want to start their own outsourcing companies - they don't actually want to do the work of course - so now transnationals are looking for new solutions.

If Vermont could get its electrical grid problems solved, I'd suggest VT as a solution. With IBM's rumored upcoming mass layoffs, there will probably be lots of extra space and human capital available in the north country.
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Old 05.22.2007, 04:02 PM   #43
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My company's IT department has been outsourced to Budapest in Bulgaria. if I have a problem with my computer, I have ring Budapest and explain everything to them, and they will then call a person who sits 50 yards from me and tell him to come over and see me. I'm not allowed to contact him direct.

Our payroll department has also been outsourced to Budapest. There was a point when we were being told that if any of the old folks to whom we pay pensions had any queries, they were going to have to ring Budapest. Can you imagine how all our little seventy year old ladies would have reacted to being told that? They get confused enough talking to a person with the same accent as them.
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Old 05.22.2007, 04:49 PM   #44
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I work in a newsagency, but we generally get more creepy people than rude people. We're in a not so great area of town.
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Old 05.22.2007, 07:29 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by tesla69
Hell at my company the tax department (US) has been outsourced to India.

But they're having a hard time finding employess there now - the young Indians all want to start their own outsourcing companies - they don't actually want to do the work of course - so now transnationals are looking for new solutions.

If Vermont could get its electrical grid problems solved, I'd suggest VT as a solution. With IBM's rumored upcoming mass layoffs, there will probably be lots of extra space and human capital available in the north country.
Mr angry, noone asked you about such things. Nothing new was told, answer the question or just shut up.
Old 05.22.2007, 07:37 PM   #46
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That's what you'd like to tell them on the phone, isn't it?

But seriously, phone work is stressful. Now, say, a bricklayer might hear you say that and wince, but it's true.

I remember one time I was telefundraising. This meant cold-calling out of phone books for the State Troopers for a doantion to a dubious cause. They got their small car sticker for their pledge. Anyway, it was a wild job, a real-live boiler room, and I had this terrific night (good money for me at the time). I made eighty-five or so bucks in four hours and at one point my back sort of felt pinched and hot, but in the fever of the pitch (hehe) I ignored it. Anyway, I woke the next morning and my girlfriend couldn't get me out of the bed because I really couldn't move. Anyway, it cleared up the next day. I've done some harder jobs that require manual labor, and although some made my back sore in the beginning, I never threw out my back at any of them like that one night telemarketing. hehe

so, we would call rural Georgia and basically, i was an actor at this job and put on an accent...i wasn't one of those people that tried to act like a trooper or claim to be one, however. & i outsold those people most of the time. ;;'';these are probably the least of the stories...hee
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Old 05.23.2007, 01:16 AM   #47
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I could never work in a callcentre, id much rather be a bricklayer
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Old 05.25.2007, 03:48 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Nefeli
i ve just been told that one of customers who bust me and am robotically-coldly, ironically etc talking to them and bang the phone down instead of saying bye or you are welcome, gave a boss congratulations about me.
im no stupid however, know he did that for his own good.

but the point is -maybe here not the case- that people in such enviroments, respect you more when you seem to them more tough or smth. even when you talk rudely to them, they treat you nice after that.

There's some truth in that. When you set your foot down and say no to demands that are impossible to meet, it seems like some people respect you more for that.
Old 05.25.2007, 08:57 AM   #49
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Alec Baldwin: Let me have your attention for a moment. 'Cause you're talkin' about what...you're talkin' 'bout...bitchin' about that sale you shot, some son of a bitch don't want to buy land, somebody don't want what you're selling, some broad you're trying to screw, so forth, let's talk about something important. Are they all here?

Kevin Spacey: All but one.

Baldwin: Well, I'm going anyway. Let's talk about something important. (sees Lemmon pouring coffee). Put that coffee down. Coffee's for closers only. You think I'm fuckin' with you? I am not fuckin' with you. I'm here from downtown. I'm here from Mitch and Murray. And I'm here on a mission of mercy. Your name's Levine?

Jack Lemmon: Yeah.

Baldwin: You call yourself a salesman, you son of a bitch?

Ed Harris: I don't gotta listen to this shit.

Baldwin: You certainly don't pal 'cause the good news is you're fired. The bad news is you got all you got, just one week to regain your job, starting with tonight, starting with tonight's sits. Oh, have I got your attention now? Good. 'Cause we're adding a little something to this month's sale contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anybody want to see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired. You get the picture? You laughing now? You got leads. Mitch and Murray paid good money. Get their names to sell them. You can't close the leads you're given, you can't close shit, you are shit, hit the bricks pal and beat it 'cause you are going out.

Lemmon: The leads are weak.

Baldwin: The leads are weak. The fuckin' leads are weak? You're weak. I've been in this business 15 years ...

Harris: What's your name?

Baldwin: "Fuck you," that's my name. You know why, mister? Cause you drove a Hyundai to get here tonight, I drove an 80,000 dollar BMW. That's my name. (To Lemmon) And your name is you're wanting. You can't play in the man's game, you can't close them? Then go home and tell your wife your troubles. Because only one thing counts in this life. Get them to sign on the line which is dotted. You hear me, you fuckin' faggots?

(Flips the blackboard)
A-B-C. A, Always, B, Be, C, Closing. Always be closing. Always be closing. A-I-D-A. Attention. Interest. Decision. Action. Attention. Do I have your attention? Interest. Are you interested? I know you are 'cause it's fuck or walk. You close or you hit the bricks. Decision. Have you made your decision for Christ? And Action. A-I-D-A. Get out there. You got the prospects coming in, you think they came in to get out of the rain? A guy don't walk on the lot lest he wants to buy. They're sitting out there waiting to give you their money. Are you going to take it? Are you man enough to take it? (To Harris) What's the problem, pal?

Harris: You, boss, you're such a hero, you're so rich, how come you're coming down here and wasting your time with such a bunch of bums?

Baldwin: You see this watch? You see this watch?

Harris: Yeah.

Baldwin: That watch costs more than your car. I made 970,000 dollars last year, how much you make? You see pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? Fuck you, go home and play with your kids. You want to work here, close. You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you cocksucker? You can't take this, how can you take the abuse you get on a sit? If you don't like it, leave. I can go out there tonight with the materials you got, make myself 15,000 dollars. Tonight. In two hours. Can you? Can you?

Go and do likewise. A-I-D-A. Get mad, you son of a bitch. Get mad. You know what it takes to sell real estate? (Takes out prop) It takes brass balls to sell real estate. Go and do likewise, gents. The money's out there, you pick it up, it's yours, you don't, I got no sympathy for you. You want to go out on those sits tonight and close, close, it's yours, if not, you're going to be shining my shoes. And you know what you'll be saying. Bunch of losers sitting around in a bar: ''Oh yeah, I used to be a salesman. It's a tough racket.''
These are the new leads. These are the Glengarry leads. And to you, they're gold. And you don't get them. Why? Because to give them to you is just throwing them away. They're for closers. I'd wish you good luck, but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it. (To Harris) And to answer your question, pal: Why am I here? I came here because Mitch and Murray asked me to, they asked me for a favor. I said the real favor, follow my advice and fire your fuckin' ass because a loser is a loser.
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Old 05.25.2007, 09:58 AM   #50
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Great film.
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Old 05.25.2007, 10:04 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Mr angry, noone asked you about such things. Nothing new was told, answer the question or just shut up.

ok you're a shit eater. Happy now?
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Old 05.25.2007, 11:51 AM   #52
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Here's some pics my boss mailed me (in his weekly newsletter to all employees), they are all titled:




what comes first,
the music or the words?


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Old 05.25.2007, 11:52 AM   #53
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part two


what comes first,
the music or the words?


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Old 05.26.2007, 08:44 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by tesla69
ok you're a shit eater. Happy now?
Oh, c'mon now, you're being all offensive and that. On lighter note, it bugs me that i put 100% in what I do and get shit sometimes. Original cause of this thread.
Old 05.27.2007, 05:26 AM   #55
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I noted that people who started really angrily their conversation never made long phone calls. That was fine with me.
Cool pestering people were far more bothering.

When someone pisses me off, I feel it in my body. This is painful. The only thing I can think of is reacting physically. As the phoner doesn't see me, I can do what relieves me and talk as gently-but-firmly as I can.
So most of the time my attitude was non-verbal. I would do these insulting gestures. You need a forearm and a middle finger. It's an instant relief you've got to do every now and then since the dunderhead you're talking to won't grow wiser.

Another thing that helps (but you've got to be prepared to) is listening to the customer and marking down the word he/she uses the most. Once this is done, count how many times the word is uttered. Usually it's a curse word. As the figure of utterances increases rapidly, you get cooler, cuz any word - say - 10 times in a short period of time - lose their meaning.
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Old 06.06.2007, 05:50 AM   #56
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People who do work on my department's behalf are making lots of mistakes lately. "I'm very sorry to hear that..." is a very frequently spoken phrase in our office. It's really annoying to be having to deal with these calls, but we have to be super-calm because the person complaining has every right to be annoyed, we just have to take the flak.
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Old 06.06.2007, 05:58 AM   #57
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i deal with customers, though not as a cust service rep, and the bastard who made his appointment for yesterday 3pm never showed up. what should i do? phone him and call him a few choice curses? hm....
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Old 06.06.2007, 06:03 AM   #58
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Yeah, give him a courtesy call just to check he's okay. "I was rather concerned that you didn't turn up for our meeting yesterday, and I'm just calling to check you're okay"... something like that. Then enjoy listening to him squirm.
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Old 06.06.2007, 06:15 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by sonicl
Yeah, give him a courtesy call just to check he's okay. "I was rather concerned that you didn't turn up for our meeting yesterday, and I'm just calling to check you're okay"... something like that. Then enjoy listening to him squirm.

he sounded like a cheap fucker in search of a bargain. im quite relieved he didn't show. saved me the time to have to tell him to get a web page from yahoo. but i still had to get out of my pajamas and into regular clothes. grrrr.
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Old 06.06.2007, 06:18 AM   #60
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That was the sound of my sympathy for you suddenly evaporating.
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